Shortcut (mspp_shortcut) sideloadedaiplugin Similarity Rule (SimilarityRule) Site (powerpagesite) Site Component (powerpagecomponent) Site Language (powerpagesitelanguage) Site Map (SiteMap) Site Marker (mspp_sitemarker) Site Setting (mspp_sitesetting) SLA SLA Item (SLAItem) SLA KPI (msdyn_...
Shortcut (mspp_shortcut) sideloadedaiplugin Similarity Rule (SimilarityRule) Site (powerpagesite) Site Component (powerpagecomponent) Site Language (powerpagesitelanguage) Site Map (SiteMap) Site Marker (mspp_sitemarker) Site Setting (mspp_sitesetting) SLA SLA Item (SLAItem) SLA KPI (m...
Best Practices for Shortcut Menu Handlers and Multiple Verbs (Windows) About IWMPPlugin (Windows) GET_PS_FEATURESETTING Printer Escape function (Windows) ApplicationRecoveryCallback callback function (Windows) RASAUTODIALENTRY structure (Windows) RasMonitorDlg function (Windows) Extending the Ribbon (...
I modified my select statement to get three columns from SalesLT.Customer. Then, I was able to highlight the statement and use the Ctrl or Command+Shift+E keyboard shortcut again to execute just that query. As with SQL Server Management Studio, I can execute one or more statements and...
ActionShortcut Move to the SQL Server Management Studio menu bar ALT Activate the menu for a tool component ALT+HYPHEN Display the context menu SHIFT+F10 Display the New File dialog box to create a file CTRL+N Display the New Project dialog box to create a new project CTRL+SHIFT+N Display...
Connect to a database by pressingF1and typesqlconto runMS SQL: Connnectcommand, then select a connection profile. You can also use a shortcut (ctrl+shift+c). Write T-SQL script in the editor using IntelliSense and Snippets. Typesqlin the editor to list T-SQL Snippets. ...
Best Practices for Shortcut Menu Handlers and Multiple Verbs (Windows) About IWMPPlugin (Windows) GET_PS_FEATURESETTING Printer Escape function (Windows) ApplicationRecoveryCallback callback function (Windows) RASAUTODIALENTRY structure (Windows) RasMonitorDlg function (Windows) Extending the Ribbon (...
2.On the Shortcut tab, click the Advanced button. This displays the Advanced Properties dialog box. 3.Select the Run In Separate Memory Space check box. 4.Click OK twice to close all open dialog boxes and save the changes. NOTE:Running a program in a separate memory space uses additional...
ActionShortcut Move to the SQL Server Management Studio menu bar ALT Activate the menu for a tool component ALT+HYPHEN Display the context menu SHIFT+F10 Display the New File dialog box to create a file CTRL+N Display the New Project dialog box to create a new project CTRL+SHIFT+N Display...
To enable open your settings and set mssql.showBatchTime to true. Fix issue #904. Added a "Disconnect" option to the status bar server connection shortcut. Clicking on this now lists databases on the current server and a "Disconnect" option. Fix issue #913. OpenSuse Linux distributions ...