"List Stored Procedures": {"prefix":"sqlListStoredProcedures","body": ["SELECT [Name],[Type_Desc] ","FROM [sys].[all_objects] ","WHERE ([Type] = 'P' OR [Type]='FN' OR [Type]='TF' OR [Type]='IF') ","AND [Is_MS_Shipped] = 0"],"descrip...
bool SeqListEraseByPos(SeqList *ps, int pos);//通过位置删除 bool SeqListInsertByPos(SeqList *ps, int pos, DataType x);//插入相应位置 void SeqListReverse(SeqList *ps);//逆序排列 void SeqListRemoveAll(SeqList* ps, DataType x);//删除所有数据 void SeqListSort(SeqList *ps);//顺序表...
SQL> select table_name from user_tables; SQL> select * from v$version; 查看oracle数据库的版本。 打算用oracle自带的scott用户登陆做练习,结果提示ORA-28000: the account is locked。 解决办法,用命令解锁。以管理员身份登录,然后 SQL> alter user scott account unlock; User altered. SQL> commit; Commit...
MSSQLServer中的系统表sysobjects中记录了当前系统中定义的对象,其中xtype字段等于U的记录为表定义,因此取得当前数据库中所有表定义的SQL语句如下: SELECT name FROM sysobjects where xtype='U' 取得指定Schema下的表 MSSQLServer中的系统表sysobjects中记录了当前系统中定义的对象,其中xtype字段等于U的记录为表定义,...
the error message that is returned to the client deliberately hides the nature of the authentication error. However, in the SQL Server error log, a corresponding error contains an error state that maps to an authentication failure condition. Compare the error state to the following list to determ...
SQLTables(hstmt, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL,0); // Get a list of all tables in all databases. SQLTables(hstmt, (SQLCHAR*) "%", SQL_NTS, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL,0); // Get a list of databases on the current connection's server. SQLTables(hstmt, (SQLCHAR*) "%"...
RECONFIGURE表示SQL Server不用重新启动就立即生效 。 使用sp_configure更改设置时,请使用RECONFIGURE语句使更改立即生效,否则更改将在SQL Server重新启动后生效。RECONFIGURE后面加WITH OVERRIDE表示不管这个值是不是符合要求都会生效,比如recovery interval的范围值是10--60对应sys.configurations.minimum是10、sys.configurations...
--List the tables in the linked server. EXEC sp_tables_ex txtsrv GO --Query one of the tables: file1#txt --using a 4-part name. SELECT * FROM txtsrv...[file1#txt] 四、链接SQL Server服务器: 1、使用 ODBC 的 Microsoft OLE DB 提供程序 ...
import ibis con = ibis.mssql.connect( host = "myhost", database = "mydatabase", port = None, driver = 'SQL Server', Trusted_Connection = "yes", TrustServerCertificate='yes', ) con.list_tables() What version of ibis are you using?
You can see that this isn’t limited to simply querying existing data—mssql will execute any (valid and permissible) TSQL. I like to list the databases or tables and views from a selected database to verify that I’ve connected to the correct database, and the ListTablesAndViews snippet...