Stored Procedures 事件类别包含一般的存储过程事件。本节内容展开表 主题说明 RPC:Completed 事件类 指示已完成远程过程调用 (RPC)。 PreConnect:Completed 事件类 指示何时资源调控器分类器函数结束执行。 PreConnect:Starting 事件类 指示何时资源调控器分类器函数开始执行。 RPC Output Parameter 事件类 跟踪远程过程...
"List Stored Procedures": {"prefix":"sqlListStoredProcedures","body": ["SELECT [Name],[Type_Desc] ","FROM [sys].[all_objects] ","WHERE ([Type] = 'P' OR [Type]='FN' OR [Type]='TF' OR [Type]='IF') ","AND [Is_MS_Shipped] = 0"],"descrip...
I tend to leave very descriptive notes in stored procedures andthey're beginning to build up in number, so I'm wondering if it'spossible to search in Query Analyzer for stored procedures thatcontain certain words / phrases etc...
So, is there a way I can get a list of SQL Server documented system procedures? View 10 Replies View Related SQL Server 7.0 System Stored Procedures May 1, 2001 About a year ago we inherited a SQL server (7.0) from another division of our company. The time has come to migrate the ...
The StoredProcedureCollection class represents a collection of StoredProcedure objects that represent all the stored procedures that are defined on a table. StoredProcedureCollection 型別公開下列成員。 方法 展開資料表 名稱描述 Add Adds a stored procedure to the collection. AddExisting Adds an object ...
sp_update_notification sp_grant_login_to_proxy sp_update_operator sp_help_alert sp_update_proxy sp_help_category sp_update_schedule sp_help_downloadlist sp_update_targetservergroup sp_help_job See Also Reference System Stored Procedures (Transact-SQL)...
I heard about user context switching and user impersonation inSQL Server stored procedures, but I am not sure how to use them. Please briefly explain top-line issues for implementing these features. Also, provide some code walk-throughs demonstrating the use of these features for evaluating secu...
Instead of reading .sql could it read a .txt where multiple sp's are defined and stop if anyone of the procedures has an error? you would need to add some code to specifically stop execution in the loop if an error is encountered. ...
Let's create some stored procedures on the Companies table to be used in an application with the following syntax: Stored Procedure to Return a List of All the Companies USEHRDatabase;GOCREATEORALTERPROCEDUREdbo.GetCompanies-- CREATE PROCEDUREASBEGINSELECT[ID],[CompanyName],[CompAddress],[Comp...
"List Stored Procedures": {"prefix":"sqlListStoredProcedures","body": ["SELECT [Name],[Type_Desc] ","FROM [sys].[all_objects] ","WHERE ([Type] = 'P' OR [Type]='FN' OR [Type]='TF' OR [Type]='IF') ","AND [Is_MS_Shipped] = 0"],"description":"List Stored Procedures"...