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適用於:SQL Server 詳細資料 屬性值 產品名稱SQL Server 事件識別碼3013 事件來源MSSQLSERVER 元件SQLEngine 符號名稱DMP_ABORT 訊息文字BACKUP DATABASE 正在異常終止 /RESTORE DATABASE 正在異常終止。 說明 此錯誤是備份或還原作業意外中斷時所發生的一般錯誤。 您會看到 3013 與其他錯誤訊息一起引發,以更具體地了...
dm_db_persisted_sku_features ★ dm_db_script_level dm_db_session_space_usage dm_db_task_space_usage dm_db_uncontained_entities dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_stats dm_db_xtp_gc_cycle_stats dm_db_xtp_hash_index_stats dm_db_xtp_index_stats dm_db_xtp_memory_consumers ...
The server instance must run on an edition of SQL Server that supports database snapshots. For more information, see Features Supported by the Editions of SQL Server 2016. The source database must be online unless it's a mirror database within a database mirroring session. You can create a...
Overview of SQL Server Installation Overview of SQL Server Express 英語で読む 保存 コレクションについて プランへの追加 次の方法で共有 Facebookx.comLinkedIn電子メール 印刷 [アーティクル] 2015/04/29 この記事の内容 SQL Server Features that Are Supported in SQL Server Express ...
SQL Server Express FeaturesSQL Server 2008 Express is based on SQL Server, and supports most of the Database Engine features of that product. 备注 If you create and design a database in SQL Server Express, you can migrate this database to SQL Server. However, you will not be able to ...
Topic Status:Some information in this topic is preview and subject to change in future releases. Preview information describes new features or changes to existing features in Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Community Technology Preview 2 (CTP2).
[MS-TSQLISO14]: SQL Server Transact-SQL ISO/IEC 9075-14 Standards Support Document 1 Introduction 2 Standards Support Statements 2 Standards Support Statements 2.1 Normative Variations 2.1 Normative Variations 2.1.1 Mandatory Features 3 Change Tracking ...
setup.exe /q /Features=Replication /InstanceName=MSSQLSERVER /ACTION=INSTALL /IAcceptSQLServerLicenseTerms ,然后耐心等待安装完成,从网上搜索的资料看,好像下面命令start /wait X:\Servers\setup.exe /qb INSTANCENAME=MSSQLSERVER ADDLOCAL=SQL_Replication也可,不过,这条命令我还没有试验过。不保证能够顺利执行...
You can't add new features during the upgrade of your existing instance of SQL Server. After you upgrade an instance of SQL Server to SQL Server 2016 (13.x), you can add features by using the SQL Server 2016 (13.x) Setup. For more information, see Add Features to an Instance of SQ...