The SQL Server client cannot connect to the server. This error could occur because either the client cannot resolve the name of the server or the name of the server is incorrect.User Action Make sure that you have entered the correct server name on the client, and that you can resolve the...
The Microsoft SQL Server error 53 is a commonly encountered error when attempting to establish a connection to a Microsoft SQL Server Database. The error is prompted when a specific SQL instance is not running, when the incorrect server name is used to identify the server, or when certain Win...
The SQL Server client cannot connect to the server. This error could occur because either the client cannot resolve the name of the server or the name of the server is incorrect. User Action Make sure that you have entered the correct server name on the client, and that you...
嘗試在已安裝 SQL Server Native Client 的電腦上安裝 SQL Server Native Client,以及現有安裝來自從 sqlncli.msi 重新命名的 MSI 檔案的位置。 使用者動作 若要解決此錯誤,請卸載現有的 SQL Server Native Client 版本。 若要避免此錯誤,請勿從未命名為 sqlncli.msi 的 MSI 檔案安裝 SQL Server Native Client...
SQL Server Errorlog 将有如下所示的错误消息: Login failed for user '<user name>'. Reason: Failed to open the database '<dbname>' specified in the login properties [CLIENT: <ip address>] 有关详细信息,请参阅MSSQLSERVER_4064...
事件来源MSSQLSERVER 组件SQLEngine 符号名称RMT_TRANS_JOIN_FAIL 消息正文无法执行该操作,因为链接服务器 "%ls" 的 OLE DB 访问接口 "%ls" 无法启动分布式事务。 说明 发生此错误的原因是Microsoft分布式事务处理协调器(MSDTC)服务未运行或已禁用网络访问。
操作系统过早地通知 SQL Server I/O 操作已完成;即使不存在实际数据损坏,也会显示错误消息。 运行带有优化器提示 NOLOCK 的查询,或将事务隔离级别设置为 READ UNCOMMITTED。 当使用 NOLOCK 或 READ UNCOMMITTED 事务隔离级别的查询尝试读取被其他用户移走或更改的数据时,将发生 605 错误。 若要验证是否为...
SQL Server failed with error code 0xc0000000 to spawn a thread to process a new login or connection. Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows event logs for information about possible related problems. [CLIENT:] ...
问题其实很诡异, MSSQLSERVER 2000 + pymssql 本身不会触发 DB-Lib error message 20017。而升级到 MSSQLSERVER 2008 或者 MSSQLSERVER 2008R2 + pymssql 都可以触发 DB-Lib error message 20017。据说问题的根源是 MSSQLSERVER 2008 加密引起的问题。确实, pymssql 用到的“连接字串”里面没有加密的选项和设置...
企业APM监控服务器突然报错账号sa密码不正确,无法连接,登陆服务器查看发现大量报错:Report Server Windows Service (MSSQLSERVER) 无法与报表服务器数据库建立连接。事件来源:Report Server Windows Service (MSSQLSERVER) 错误ID:107 级别:错误 查看sql各项服务也均为正常状态。