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本主题介绍 ms-windows-store:URI 方案。 你的应用可以使用此 URI 方案通过 Windows 上的LaunchUriAsync方法将 Microsoft 应用商店应用启动到应用商店中的特定页面。 例如,可以使用以下代码打开应用商店到游戏页面: C# boolresult =awaitWindows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(newUri("ms-windows-store://navigatetopage/...
AppServiceEnvironmentsResumeNextResponse AppServiceEnvironmentsResumeOptionalParams AppServiceEnvironmentsResumeResponse AppServiceEnvironmentsSuspendNextOptionalParams AppServiceEnvironmentsSuspendNextResponse AppServiceEnvironmentsSuspendOptionalParams AppServiceEnvironmentsSuspendResponse AppServiceEnvironmentsTestUpgradeAvailab...
Resume IFileOperation Windows Shell Visual Basic Code Example: Locating a Queue MSMQMessage.ArrivedTime Functions and Messages (Windows) Session Access (Windows) Tone Monitoring (Windows) Server Core .NET Functionality (Windows) Msvm_NetworkJob Methods CLUSPROP_DISK_SIGNATURE structure (Windows) Dll...
SQL Server mobile reports Reporting Services Security and Protection Report subscriptions SSRS Schedules Overview Create, Modify, and Delete Schedules Pause and Resume Shared Schedules Change Time Zones and Clock Settings on a Report Server Manage a Running Process ...
resume(); } Pool Management An important concept to understand when using this library is Connection Pooling as this library uses connection pooling extensively. As one Node JS process is able to handle multiple requests at once, we can take advantage of this long running process to create a ...
Microsoft SQL Server client for Node.js.. Latest version: 6.2.3, last published: 4 years ago. Start using ut-mssql in your project by running `npm i ut-mssql`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using ut-mssql.
Resume ResumeNoEarlierThan Rollup ScheduledDuration ScheduledFinish ScheduledStart SPI SplitParts Start Start1 Start10 Start2 Start3 Start4 Start5 Start6 Start7 Start8 Start9 StartDriver StartSlack StartText StartVariance Status StatusManagerName Stop Subproject SubProject...
When clicking resume and it takes about 2-3 seconds MS SIP proxy sends a new invite with the same above details with a REPLACE that will replace the MOH call id , from/to tags with this new invite to resume the call and it's handled perfectly from the SBC and call is resumed. ...