產品名稱SQL Server 事件識別碼17892 事件來源MSSQLSERVER 元件SQLEngine 符號名稱SRV_LOGON_FAILED_BY_TRIGGER 訊息文字登入登入名稱>因為<觸發程式執行而失敗。 說明 當登入觸發程式代碼無法順利執行時,就會引發錯誤 17892。登入觸發程式會引發預存程式,以回應LOGON事件。 當 SQL Server 執行個體建立使用者工作階段時...
封入一系列的 Transact-SQL 語句,讓一組 Transact-SQL 語句可以在程式代碼的邏輯區塊中執行。 BEGIN 和END 是流程控制語言關鍵詞。Transact-SQL 語法慣例語法syntaxsql 複製 BEGIN { sql_statement | statement_block } END 引數{ sql_statement | statement_block}使用語句區塊所定義的任何有效 Transact-SQL ...
當您使用 Windows 驗證連線到 SQL Server 實例時,不需要指定驗證類型。 Windows 驗證是預設值。此範例是使用 Windows 驗證連線到 SQL Server 遠端實例的 Visual Basic .NET 程式代碼。 字串變數 strServer 包含遠端實例的名稱。VBNET 複製 'Connect to a remote instance of SQL Server. Dim srv As Server '...
AND qs.statement_end_offset = ending_offset AND qs.plan_handle = plan_handle; 為了避免重新編譯,請根據原因代碼的說明,修改陳述式、批次或程序。例如,一個預存程序可能會包含一或多個 SET 陳述式。您應該從此程序中移除這些陳述式。如需重新編譯原因和解決方案的其他範例,請參閱<SQL Server 2005 中的批次...
Windows Server 2012 Windows 2000 Server 条目值 Link-Id - MAPI-Id - System-Only False Is-Single-Valued True 已编制索引 False 在全局目录中 False NT-Security-描述符 O:BAG:BAD:S: Range-Lower - Range-Upper - Search-Flags 0x00000000 System-Flags 0x00000010 在 中使用的类 MS-SQL-SQLServer MS...
{ sql_statement| statement_block} Is any valid Transact-SQL statement or statement grouping as defined with a statement block. To define a statement block (batch), use the control-of-flow language keywords BEGIN and END. Although all Transact-SQL statements are valid within a BEGIN...END blo...
When I tried to start the SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) service in Sql Server Configuration Manager, I got this error.Then I check the event viewer and I saw this error:SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) service terminated with the following service-specific error: Cannot find object or property....
The Role element specifies a role in the semantic model of an entity. The Role element specifies the relationship between the entity and a related entity. The following are the parent elements, attributes, and child elements of the Role element. 展开表 Parent elements Fields Variations 展开...
Some of the great features include: + Microsoft SQL Azure + Microsoft SQL Server 2005 + Microsoft SQL Server 2008 + Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 + Microsoft SQL Server 2012 + Microsoft SQL Server 2014 + Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Thanks to the FreeTDS project (http://www.freetds.org/) for...
SQL Server error 233 was saying "No process is on the other end of the pipe". The error details are given as: A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 – No process is on...