Added Run Query and Cancel Query buttons on the editor Added rows affected count to status bar Added Object Explorer support for connection string based connections Removed redundant MSSQL output channel for logs Fixed leading tabs when copying multiple selections ...
sqlGetSpaceUsedshows space used by tables. Thanks to Rodolfo Gaspar for this contribution! sqlListColumnsshows columns for tables matching aLIKEquery. Thanks to Emad Alashi for this contribution! Support for connecting using a connection string. When adding a connection profile you can now paste in...
The FilterDataFormatter complex type allows extended attributes on an IpamObject type (section It is used to
The ScopeDataFormatter complex type allows extended attributes on an IpamObject type (section It creates
Basically, when trying to show the field in the Board View, instead of showing the value from the Lookup function, the field always shows the same string [object Object] I have tried to play with the JSON code in the formatter, so far unsuccessfully. This is th...
显示UIView 开发人员定义的消息贴纸的 。C# 复制 [Foundation.Register("MSStickerView", true)] [ObjCRuntime.Introduced(ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.iOS, 10, 0, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All, null)] public class MSStickerView : UIKit.UIView继承 Object NSObject UIResponder UIView MSStickerView ...
SQL 格式化 2 个空格4 个空格制表符压缩 输入 x 1 xxxxxxxxxx 1 1
Reformatted code and updated mssql-jdbc-formatter #742 Changed Sha1HashKey to CityHash128Key for generating PreparedStatement handle and metadata cache keys #717 Changed order of logic for checking the condition for using Bulk Copy API #736 Changed collation name in UTF8SupportTest #741 Changed ...
StringFormatter 方法 此API 支持 SQL Server 2008 基础结构,但不能通过代码直接使用。 StringFormatter 类型公开以下成员。 方法 展开表 名称说明 CanRead 基础结构。 Clone 基础结构。 Equals (从 Object 继承。) Finalize (从 Object 继承。) GetHashCode (从 Object 继承。) GetType (从 Object 继承。) Membe...
If the application blissfully uses what the user types in a form field to create a SQL command string, it exposes you to the risk that a malicious user may simply access the page and enter fraudulent parameters to modify the nature of the query. You can learn more about SQL injection ...