A spatial index is used for optimizing spatial queries that involve geometric objects, such as points, lines, and polygons. It enables faster retrieval of data based on their spatial relationships.Example in MSSQL:CREATE SPATIAL INDEX IX_Location ON Places (GeoLocation);...
For more information about plan guides, see Optimizing Queries in Deployed Applications by Using Plan Guides. See Also Reference CREATE STATISTICS (Transact-SQL) UPDATE STATISTICS (Transact-SQL) sp_updatestats (Transact-SQL) DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS (Transact-SQL) ALTER DATABASE SET Options (...
instead of the whole stored procedure, must be recompiled. For more information, seeRecompiling Stored Procedures. RECOMPILE is also useful when you create plan guides. For more information, seeOptimizing Queries in Deployed
Total Cost Overall cost of the queries executing without having the recommended indexes. It simply is a unit, the SQL Server Query Optimizer does its calculations with and is not associated with any type of known measurement unit like seconds or CPU time. Bigger the total cost number, more th...
tempdb是 MS SQL Server 中的系统数据库,其主要功能是存储数据库引擎创建的临时表,游标,存储过程和其他内部对象。 缺省情况下,数据库大小设置为 8 MB ,并且可以自动增长 10%。 在大型环境中,其大小可以高达 15 GB。 因此,优化 tempdb 数据库非常重要,因为此数据库的位置和大小可能会对License Metric Tool服务器...
For more information, seeOptimizing Queries That Access Correlated datetime Columns. External Access Options Control whether the database can be accessed by external resources such as objects from another database. Option Description Default value ...
Learn Ontdekken Productdocumentatie Ontwikkelingstalen Onderwerpen Aanmelden Deze inhoud wordt niet langer regelmatig bijgewerkt. Raadpleeg hetlevenscyclusbeleid van Microsoftvoor informatie over hoe dit product of deze service, technologie of API wordt ondersteund. ...
[Forum FAQ] How do I disable all subscriptions without disabling Reporting Services and SQL Server Agent? [Report]Impact of activating "Use a single transaction when processing the queries" [rsFieldReference] The Value expression for the textbox ‘All_Custom_CPI_1’ refers to the field ‘All_...
Sql Query Optimization Help Needed Feb 5, 2007 I need help in optimizing this query. The major time takes in calling a remote database. Thanks in advance.ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.myAccountGetCallLogsTest@directorynumber as varchar(10),@CallType as tinyint ASdeclare @dt as intSELECT TOP ...
To prevent this, SQL Server provides a special internal lock, called a bulk-update (BU) lock. To get BU lock you need to specify the TABLOCK option with each bulk import stream without blocking other bulk import streams. This avoids table-access conflicts among the clients. However, a BU...