The hint can be specified as a table hint or as a query hint. For more information about query hints, seeQuery hints (Transact-SQL). To applyFORCESEEKto an indexed view, theNOEXPANDhint must also be specified. The hint can be applied at most once per table or view. ...
table_or_view_name要为其建立索引的表或视图的名称。必须使用 SCHEMABINDING 定义视图,才能为视图创建索引。 必须先为视图创建唯一的聚集索引,才能为该视图创建非聚集索引。 有关索引视图的详细信息,请参阅“备注”部分。从SQL Server 2016 (13.x) 开始,该对象可以是聚集列存储索引存储的表。
引用SQL Server 2008 中的索引视图中的 datetime 和 smalldatetime 字符串文字时,建议使用确定性日期格式样式将文字显式转换为所需日期类型。有关确定性日期格式样式列表,请参阅CAST 和 CONVERT (Transact-SQL)。将字符串隐式转换为 datetime 或 smalldatetime 所涉及的表达式被视为具有不确定性,除非兼容级别设置为 80...
EntryValue Link-Id - MAPI-Id - System-Only False Is-Single-Valued True Is Indexed False In Global Catalog False NT-Security-Descriptor O:BAG:BAD:S: Range-Lower - Range-Upper - Search-Flags 0x00000000 System-Flags 0x00000010 Classes used in MS-SQL-SQLServerWindows...
EntryValue Link-Id - MAPI-Id - System-Only False Is-Single-Valued True Is Indexed False In Global Catalog False NT-Security-Descriptor O:BAG:BAD:S: Range-Lower - Range-Upper - Search-Flags 0x00000000 System-Flags 0x00000010 Classes used in MS-SQL-SQLPublicationWindows...
Thesys.dm_sql_referenced_entitiessystem function will report any column-level dependency for schema-bound references. For example, the function will report all column-level dependencies for an indexed view because an indexed view requires schema binding. However, when the referenced entity is not sch...
The main difference between PostGreSQL and MS SQL Server is that MS SQL Server supports functional indexes since almost 21 years through the concept of indexed computed columns... But in addition, SQL Server publish the value of the column in the table definition. And now you have fours ways...
Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance Checks the integrity of all the pages and structures that make up the table or indexed view. Transact-SQL syntax conventions Syntax syntaxsqlCopy DBCCCHECKTABLE(table_name|view_name[ , {NOINDEX|index_id} | , {REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS|REPAIR_FAST|RE...