2.3 心房率加速检测窗(WARAD):是创领心律医疗起搏器在每个心房事件后自动触发的一种动态心房不应期,以避免起搏器不适当的持续快频率心室起搏及随之带来的不良血流动力学后果。可在DDD(R)、VDD(R)及SafeR模式下运行。WARAD值始终≥500ms,会根据心房频率进行计...
WARAD是创领心律医疗起搏器在每个心房事件后自动触发的一种动态心房不应期,以避免起搏器不适当的持续快频率心室起搏及随之带来的不良血流动力学后果。可在DDD(R)、VDD(R)及SafeR 模式下运行。 WARAD值始终≥500ms,会根据心房频率进行计算。在心房跟踪模式下,当心房事件落在WARAD...
产品亮点:使用 HeSaver-H2Safer 技术进行 PCB 分析,在不影响性能的情况下降低氦气消耗 应用文档:使用气相色谱 – 三重四极杆质谱法 (GC-MS/MS) 对16种多环芳烃 (PAH) 进行灵敏且可重现的分析 应用文档:使用具有高性价比氦气节省技术的三重四极杆 GC-MS 实现...
采用HeSaver-H2 Safer 技术的氢气载气 使用HeSaver-H2 Safer 技术的氢气载气通过气相色谱 - 质谱分析对多环芳烃进行可持续、安全且可靠的分析 下载产品亮点 › 其他资源 环境 应用文档:按照 EPA 方法 8270E,使用 ISQ 7610 GC-MS 系统,通过多环芳香烃 (PAH) 单校准曲线进行多基质...
"TransparentEnabled"=dword:00000002 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Safer\CodeIdentifiers\0\Paths\{09687f8a-0ca9-4639-b294-a3f5b2be8fc6}] "LastModified"=hex(b):50,09,1f,b1,04,4a,c5,01 "Description"="Block pngfilt.dll" "SaferFlags"=dword:00000000 "ItemData"=hex(2...
STATUS_ACCESS_DISABLED_NO_SAFER_UI_BY_POLICY Access to %1 has been restricted by your Administrator by policy rule %2. 0xC0000373 STATUS_FAILED_STACK_SWITCH The system was not able to allocate enough memory to perform a stack switch. 0xC0000374 STATUS_HEAP_CORRUPTION A heap has been corrup...
0x80110822 COMADMIN_E_SAFERINVALID The specified SAFER level is invalid. 0x80110823 COMADMIN_E_REGISTRY_ACCESSDENIED The specified user cannot write to the system registry. 0x80110824 COMADMIN_E_PARTITIONS_DISABLED COM+ partitions are currently disabled. 0x801F0001 ERROR_FLT_NO_HANDLER_DEFINE...
0x80110822 COMADMIN_E_SAFERINVALID The specified SAFER level is invalid. 0x80110823 COMADMIN_E_REGISTRY_ACCESSDENIED The specified user cannot write to the system registry. 0x80110824 COMADMIN_E_PARTITIONS_DISABLED COM+ partitions are currently disabled. 0x801F0001 ERROR_FLT_NO_HANDLER_DEFINE...
MSMethods used to detect contamination of shellfish by microbial toxins are discussed. Aspects considered include: microbiological sources of shellfish contamination; LC MS/MS techniques; and detection of azaspiracid poisoning.James K JLehane MHamilton BFurey ANew Food...
"He was arrested in Mexico and is being transported within the U.S. as we speak, where he will face American justice. This is a major victory both for our law enforcement partners and for a safer America. Thank you to our brave personnel for executing the mission. And thank you to ...