For more information about how to enable this setting in Outlook Express 6, see Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 291387. Impact of Workaround: E-mail messages that are viewed in plain text format will not contain pictures, specialized fonts, animations, or other rich content. Additionally: The ...
By default, all supported versions of Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express, and Windows Mail open HTML email messages in the Restricted sites zone. The Restricted sites zone, which disables script and ActiveX controls, helps reduce the risk of an attacker being able to use these vulnerabili...
Users whose accounts are configured to have fewer user rights on the system could be less impacted than users who operate with administrative user rights. By default, all supported versions of Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Outlook Express open HTML e-mail messages in the Restricted sites zone. ...
In addition, Outlook 98 and 2000 open HTML mail in the Restricted Sites Zone if the Outlook Email Security Update has been installed. Customers who use any of these products would be at a reduced risk from an e-mail borne attack that attempted to exploit this vulnerability unless the user ...
Microsoft Outlook Versions List Outlook 97— Outlook 97 was released on January 16th, 1997, and included with Office 97. It arrived as a replacement for Microsoft’s Schedule+ and Exchange Client, and came with features like remote mail. ...
2.1.421 Part 1 Section, stylePaneFormatFilter (Suggested Filtering for List of Document Styles) 2.1.422 Part 1 Section, summaryLength (Percentage of Document to Use When Generating Summary) 2.1.423 Part 1 Section, themeFontLang (Theme Font Languages) 2.1.424...
Outlook does not exportDURATIONorREPEATproperties on VALARM components. On import, these properties are ignored on VALARM components. V0062: The specification states that theATTACHproperty is optional for VALARM components that have theACTIONproperty set to "AUDIO" or "EMAIL", and is required for ...
Yes I do need to ask OneNote related questions, both authentication methods seem to end in the same dead point, OneNOte wise so I am not sure if it is a scope or another type of issue here, I can't see all my pages Sorry, something went wrong. ...