Office 365 Outlook Office 365 Users Office 365 Video [DEPRECATED] OK dokument (Independent Publisher) OMDb (Independent Publisher) OneBlink OneDrive Oneflow OneNote (Business) OneNote Consumer (Independent Publisher) One-Time Secret (Independent Publisher) Oodrive Sign Open Brewery DB (Independent Publis...
Emoji and virtual background for free user Available only for desktop users Available integrations Zoho CRM, Zoho Connect, MS Outlook, Gmail, Slack MS Outlook, Gmail, Slack Notes during meeting Zoho Notebook integration Microsoft OneNote integration All names and marks mentioned here remain the prop...
3 Reactions Stay involved without breaking the flow—you can share an emoji reaction to let the presenter know how you feel. Reactions also allow you to raise your hand, which will signal that you'd like an opportunity to speak. 4 Microphone Mute and unmute your microphone when you want ...
3 Reazioni Rimani coinvolto senza interrompere il flusso; puoi condividere una reazione emoji per far sapere al relatore come ti senti. Le reazioni consentono anche di alzare la mano, per segnalare che vuoi avere l'opportunità di parlare. 4 Microfono Disattiva e riattiva l'audio del ...
Microsoft fixed an issue where the emoji picker might draw partially offscreen if invoked near the bottom of the screen. Microsoft fixed an issue where the second line of the input indicator in the taskbar, when shown, wasn’t legible in light theme. Microsoft has updated our message...
操作ID: ListUsers 組織内のすべてのユーザーを取得する (AAD テナント) 戻り値 テーブルを展開する 名前パス型説明 @odata.context @odata.context string Odata.context リンク。 価値 value array of object 価値 businessPhones value.businessPhones array of string businessPhones 表示名 value....
EmojiHub (Independent Publisher) Enadoc Encodian Engagement Cloud Entersoft Envoy EONET by NASA (Independent Publisher) Ephesoft Semantik For Invoices E-Sign Ethereum Blockchain [УСТАРЕЛО] Etsy (Independent Publisher) Event Hubs Event Tickets Eventbrite Every (Independent Publ...
Office 365 Outlook Office 365 Users Office 365 Video [DEPRECATED] OK dokument (Independent Publisher) OMDb (Independent Publisher) OneBlink OneDrive Oneflow OneNote (Business) OneNote Consumer (Independent Publisher) One-Time Secret (Independent Publisher) Oodrive Sign Open Brewery DB (Independent Publis...