19.Sastre-Garriga J, Pareto D, Battaglini M, et al. MAGNIMS consensus recommendations on the use of brain and spinal cord atrophy measures in clinical practice. Nat Rev Neurol, 2020, 16(3): 171-182. 20.Zivadinov R, Tava...
基于认知功能障碍给患者带来的巨大影响,人们越来越重视治疗中认知功能的改善。无疾病活动证据(NEDA)是MS新兴的治疗目标,我们所熟知的NEDA-3即无复发、无确认的残疾进展、无MRI活动病灶的状态。目前,NEDA已演进至NEDA-6。NEDA-6囊括了对患者认知功能的评估,意味着更高阶更全面的治疗目标[7](图1)。 图1:NEDA治疗...
(5)症状性发作性睡病、间脑综合征,脑MRI有特征性大脑病变 (6)大脑综合征伴有NMOSD特征性大脑病变 AQP4-IgG阴性或未知状态下 NMOSD的MR附加条件 (1)急性ON:脑MRI有下列之一表现:①脑MRI正常或仅有非特异性白质病变;②视神经长T2信号成T1增强信号>1/2视神经长度,或病变累及视交 (2)急...
18.Sastre-Garriga J, Pareto D, Battaglini M, et al. MAGNIMS consensus recommendations on the use of brain and spinal cord atrophy measures in clinical practice. Nat Rev Neurol. 2020;16(3):171-182. 19.Ontaneda D, Raza PC, Mahajan KR, et al. Deep grey matter injury in multiple sclerosis...
2020年4月23日,赛诺菲(Sanofi)宣布,公司在研的口服/脑渗透性的BTK抑制剂SAR442168,在治疗复发型多发性硬化(MS,Multiple Sclerosis)患者的2b期临床试验中达到主要和次要临床终点。接受SAR442168治疗的患者,通过磁共振成像(MRI)测量的多发硬化症相关疾病活动被显著降低。
In this study, brain MRI data was classified into normal and MS or MS risk groups using wavelet transform, HMM and ML. The proposed technique generally involves training data collection, pre-processing, lesion segmentation and final detection. Data collection was based on existing valid databases ...
Lesions to the brain's signal-carrying white matter are the most readily detectable manifestation of MS on MRI. The lesions, linked to the loss of the protective coating around white matter fibers called myelin, represent only macroscopic tissue damage. A means to find changes in the brain a...
[8] Sprenger T, Kappos L, Sormani M P, et al. Effects of teriflunomide treatment on cognitive performance and brain volume in patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis: Post hoc analysis of the TEMSO core and extension studies[J]. Mult Scler, 2022,28(11):1719-1728. ...
Devic描述的经典NMO表型的特征是疾病发作时ON和TM的同时或相继出现。这种表现是MS的非典型表现,但在AQP4阳性NMO中也比血清阴性的NMO少。 Brain involvement NMO脑干症状:顽固的恶心、呕吐伴或不伴呃逆(孤立的脑干病灶或颈髓炎向上延伸);少见症状有食欲改变,不适当的抗利尿激素分泌(提示下丘脑受累)。与AQP4高表达区域...
(旁正中矢状位更清楚,Common - Juxtacortical lesions,Cortical lesions in a patient with relapsingremitting MS on 3 T MRI,注意:常规序列无法显示这些皮质灶,皮质2个高信号灶,3D FLAIR,相应区域低信号,3D double-inversion recovery,cross-referenced 3D T1WI,MS传统认为是白质病变,近年来超高场MRI清晰显示大脑...