[MS-OODF]: Office Implementation Information for ODF 1.1 Standards Support 1 Introduction 2 Conformance Statements 2 Conformance Statements 2.1 Normative Variations 2.1 Normative Variations 2.1.1 Section 2, Document Structure 2.1.2 Section 2.1, Document Roots 2.1.3 Section 2.1.1, Document Root ...
obfuscationpentestingpentestblueteammsofficesocial-engineeringredteamexcel-macrosxlm-macroexcel4macros-generator UpdatedMay 26, 2021 Python WelsonJS - Build a Windows app on the Windows built-in JavaScript engine javascriptmicrosoftcoffeescriptwindowschromeautomationtypescripthtml5uridesktopagijscriptwshmsofficemsh...
Office Open XML ISO/IEC 29500:2016 Microsoft Computer Languages Microsoft Computer Languages [MS-SLXV]: Silverlight XAML Vocabulary Specification 2008 (Draft v0.9) [MS-SLXV-2010]: Silverlight XAML Vocabulary Specification 2010 [MS-WPFXV]: WPF XAML Vocabulary Specification 2006 (Draft v0.1) ...
excelxlsxspreadsheetofficepowerpointdocxopenxmlpptxmswordopenxml-sdkopenxml-excelopenxml-officepptx-generator UpdatedDec 6, 2024 Rust Agisthemantobeat/Reverse-Shell-From-Word-Document Star16 This is a repository containing code to generate a PowerShell payload to access PCs remotely. For more informatio...
This is supported in core Excel 2007. i. The standard defines the element , contained within the parent element <number:text-style> This element is supported in core Excel 2007. j. The standard defines [style-text-properties], contained within [number:text-style] This is supported in core...
[MS-OODF]: Office Implementation Information for ODF 1.1 Standards Support [MS-OODF]: Office Implementation Information for ODF 1.1 Standards Support 1 Introduction 2 Conformance Statements 2 Conformance Statements 2.1 Normative Variations 2.1 Normative Variations 2.1.1 Section 2, Document Struct...
[MS-STANXPOP3]: Exchange Post Office Protocol Version 3 (POP3) Standards Support [MC-SQLR]: SQL Server Resolution Protocol Specification Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Application Host COM Protocol Microsoft Internet Protocol Security Protocol Extension - Internet Key Exchange (IKE) Proto...
This Random Number Generator is for everybody who is tired of using the "Randomize" and "Rnd" in VB and VBScript and having to watch the SAME "Random" numbers appear (The problem is caused by the use of the built-in "random number table...) 37...
[MS-OXRTFEX]: Rich Text Format (RTF) Extensions Algorithm Intellectual Property Rights Notice for Open Specifications Documentation Technical Documentation. Microsoft publishes Open Specifications documentation ("this documentation") for protocols, file formats, data portability, computer languages, and...
However, Excel 2007 always behaves as though this setting were "false". To be consistent, on save, Excel 2007 always sets the table:case-sensitive attribute to "false". d. The standard defines the attribute table:Null-year, contained within the element This attribute is not supported...