本课程主要讲解一级 MS Office 科目的 Word、Excel、PPT 基础知识点,适合零基础考生学习,帮助考生建立知识架构,提升做题效率,从容应对一级 MS Office 考试。 1.7 万次学习 讲师 无忧考吧+ 关注 全国计算机等级考试原题库。 无忧考吧自主开发全国计算机等级考试题库系统,专注计算机一级、二级、三级科目,为用户提供包...
Course Content DOWNLOAD BROCHURE NOW 1. Microsoft Windows Fundamentals of Computers Working with a Mouse How to Start an Application Accessories:Paint,WordPad Control Panel Desktop Features Microsoft Office 2. Microsoft Word Menu Bars & Toolbars ...
MS Office Training We ensure that our MS Office training course gives you robust office management tools with the right mixture of usability, power, and flexibility, so you can manage your job more efficiently and productively. This course will cover MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, Outlook ...
introduction to ms excel ms excel is a commonly used microsoft office application. it is a spreadsheet program which is used to save and analyse numerical data. in this article, we bring to you the important features of ms excel, along with an overview of how to use the program, its ...
从事计算机教学与高等职业教育研究,主讲《医学计算机应用基础》、《Flash动画教程》、《二级VB教程》、《二级MS Office高级应用》等课程。获潍坊市科技进步二等奖1项、三等奖1项,1项省级重点教改课题鉴定国内先进水平,出版专著1部,主编教材1部,获潍坊市卫生系统满意在卫生先进个人、第九届山东省高等职业院校教学名师...
This complete Microsoft Access training course on Udemy is taught by Kyle Pew, a Microsoft Certified trainer with several years under his belt in MS Office training. The course is designed such that it takes learners from the absolute beginner steps of getting into Access, learning what Access ...
本课程适用备考全国计算机等级考试(简称:NCRE)二级 MS Office 科目,主要讲解 office 2016 版本下的 Word、Excel、PPT 考试真题,迅速提升做题效率,从容应对二级 MS Office 考试。 3626 次学习 讲师 无忧考吧+ 关注 全国计算机等级考试原题库。 无忧考吧自主开发全国计算机等级考试题库系统,专注计算机一级、二级、三级...
01. Office2016版真题讲解-Word 一级Word01-《2018年全球竞争力报告》 13分钟 一级Word02-光源的发光效率 13分钟 一级Word03-中国人均GDP 11分钟 一级Word04-北京教育考试院 12分钟 一级Word05-六指标凸显60多年 11分钟 一级Word06-活出精彩搏出人生 14分钟 一级Word07-冻豆腐为什么有许多小孔 11分钟 一级...
【Excel 第2题】晓雨对员工office应用能力的考核【内部题号24955】 【Excel 第3题】小刘整理有关减免税政策清单【内部题号24956】 【Excel 第4题】小马负责公务员考试成绩的数据整理【内部题号24957】 【Excel 第5题】李晓玲是某企业的采购部门员工【内部题号24958】 【Excel 第6题】小陈分析我国主要城市的降水量...
900Details Other recommended course CCI Online Learning provides pre-recorded video coaching classes by renowned faculties. The videos can be viewed anytime ,anywhere. Add on Pen drive option is also available. 088803-20003 Request a Callback ...