*Microsoft Office, Excel, Access, Word and PowerPoint are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp. FreeOfficeTutorials.com is not affiliated with Microsoft Corp.
If your friends or learners are interested in learning computers, you can ask them about this course, because this course is in a very simple English language. Microsoft Office course which includes all Microsoft preparation is also involved in this course. This course is for people who do not...
This self-paced online course will help you understand and use Microsoft Word from scratch. Learn to create professional documents today!
Live Course on Python for Financial Analysis: Unlocking Efficiency in Accounting and Finance Financial Management Theory Marathon Advanced Financial Management Mastery Problems Advanced Accounting & Financial Management and Strategic ManagementCCI Online Learning provides pre-recorded video coaching classes by ren...
Create a course for free in minutes with Teachable Students in class on time, spending longer learning and handing their homework in when it’s due – the obvious ones, but these aren’t the only ways My Study Life helps increase
In this article, we will learn How to use Online MS Excel Training Courses – Self-Paced Free Tutorials Right from Home. Learning MS Excel requires more skill and perseverance than any other application in MS Office. Excel offers a great way to handle massive data. It helps to org...
This free online Microsoft Project 2013 advanced course will teach you about a wide variety of the basic and advanced features you can find in Project 2013. In this course you will learn how to deal with consolidated projects and create a project containing summary task requirements, as well as...
本课程主要讲解一级 MS Office 科目的 Word、Excel、PPT 基础知识点,适合零基础考生学习,帮助考生建立知识架构,提升做题效率,从容应对一级 MS Office 考试。 1.7 万次学习 讲师 无忧考吧+ 关注 全国计算机等级考试原题库。 无忧考吧自主开发全国计算机等级考试题库系统,专注计算机一级、二级、三级科目,为用户提供包...
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长沙全国计算机等级二级MSOffice培训班 【证书介绍】 全国计算机二级MS 0ffice应用考试考试大纲:2013年下半年全国计算机等级考试发生重大调整,实施无纸化考试,2013年下半年二级MS 0ffice应用考试使用2013版全国计算机等级考试二级MS 0ffice应用考试大纲。 考试方式:上机考试,考试时长120分钟,满分100分。