❷打开Office 2013 安装程序 64位文件夹,并双击setup。 知识点:如果提示需要安装MSXML,请点安装包中的↓ ❸软件安装过程中,选择1是一键式安装,默认安装全部且安装在系统盘,选择2为自定义安装,这里点击自定义安装。 ❹去掉自己确定不需要的软件。 ❺更改路径为自己需要安装到的位置。 ❻立即安装,安装完毕以...
office 2013 setup free download is now available for all the users. there are few limitations that are applicable while using this free office 2013. this office suite is fully compatible with all the previous versions of office 2013 so you can use this software for all the previous office ...
Setup filename: OfficeProfessionalPlus_x86_en-us.img/OfficeProfessionalPlus_x64_en-us.img File size: 699.0 MB/806.7 MB Type: Full standalone setup / Offline installer Limits: 60 day trial limit Version: 1.5 Supported Operating Systems Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows 10 MS Office 2013 x86 x64 ...
Note:Before installing MS Office 2013, make sure to uninstall any existing Microsoft Office version from your computer. Step 1-Navigate to the location where you have downloaded the setup file on your PC. Step 2-Double click on the file to initiate the installation process. A window with ‘...
Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 encountered an error during setup. after I close the setup then this window appears : Microsoft setup bootstrapper Microsoft bootstrapper has stopped working Windows can check online for for a solution to the problem >Check online for solution >Close this pr...
2)进入Office Deployment Tool所在目录,默认有四个配置文件,可基于此基础修改或自行编写 3)自行编写安装脚本,仅安装批量授权的64位office专业增强版的word、excel、PowerPoint和visio专业版,其他例如access、outlook、OneNote、publisher都不安装。 4)使用命令行启动安装,不能直接点击setup.exe安装,因为没有指配配置文件。
Be sure that the file you create is saved in the same directory as your setup.exe. You are now ready to deploy. Your install media and the MSP file can be run from a network share, or you can use the media with a deployment tool. Video: Office 2013 Step-by-step Loading......
For Microsoft Lync 2010 Attendee (user level install):\ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components{0EEB34F6-991D-4a1b-8EEB-772DA0EADB22}\ Version = 7577.4392 For Microsoft Lync 2013 (32-bit) and Microsoft Lync Basic 2013 (32-bit):\ Not applicable For Microsof...
/extract:<path>作成者によって定義されているインストール コマンドをオーバーライドします。 Setup.inf または .exe ファイルのパスと名前を指定します。 /lang:<LCID>更新プログラム パッケージがその言語をサポートしている場合は、特定の言語を強制的に使用します。