在MS脊髓病变中,只有60%~70%的病灶可以在T2WI或FLAIR上检出,常规MRI无法准确评估脊髓受累程度,而DTI可定量评估脊髓纤维束受损情况。DTI是依据质子扩散为对比进行成像的,其相关系数包括分数各向异性(fractional anisotropy,FA)、平均扩散(mean diffusivity,MD)、轴向扩散(a...
1 MS-主要讨论问题 •典型MRI发现•McDonald标准:MRI在诊断的应用•鉴别诊断:MS-其他常见白质病变 .2 TypicalMRIfindingsinMS .4 Common-corpuscallosum 多发性硬化特征性发现 胼胝体病灶和胼胝体周围白质病灶 PDWI T2WI .5 Common-corpuscallosum characteristicfindingmultiplehypointenselesionsinthecorpus callosum...
Patients were men and women and we used the mean signal intensity of ROI in the MRI machine.quot;nResults: On T2W and FLAIR images, the mean signal intensity of the pontine white matter was measured as 306 and 294; the centrum semiovalae as 295 and 286; the brachium cerebella as 311...
At least for that you must have an axial and sagittal FLAIR [fluid attenuated inversion recovery] image. You want to be able to do this with very thin slices. It used to be 3-mm requirements, and now we’d like to get it down to 1 mm with no gaps and be able to have continuous...
26、强,Frederik Barkhof ,Brain (1997), 120, 20592069,dissemination in time,多发近皮质灶(箭头,FLAIR image,T2 image,MS-Diagnosis(要点,神经学检查-脑脊髓损害征 MRI-本身并不能确诊,仅显示可能为MS病灶 CSF-支持诊断,表明脑脊髓免疫系统处于活动状态 诱发电位-可协助诊断 医生-分析上述检查和实验室结果,确...
Fig. 1. T1WI hypointense MS plaques in a 23-year-old male patient with progressive clinical course of the disease: A: Axial T1WI at the level of centrum semi-oval displays multiple white matter hypointense plaques. B: Axial FLAIR image displays hyperintensity of the plaques. C & D: Axial...
MRI of the brain without and with contrast: The new focus of punctate enhancement and slightly enlarging FLAIR hyperintensity in the posterior right temporal lobe adjacent to the ventricular atrium consistent with active focus of demyelination. Diminished enhancement in previously seen right frontoparietal...
1 MRI showing the location of brain regions sampled for post-mortem analysis. FLAIR-weighted, coronal MR images from anterior to posterior (a-g) of the LBC1936 participant's brain. Post-mortem, regions were collected for analysis as highlighted by the numbered boxes. h Numbered boxes ...
b Axial T1-weighted image showing a left frontal mass with leptomeningeal attachment and heterogeneous enhancement after gadolinium injection. c T1-weighted image after injection of gadolinium showing a heterogeneous enhancement. d Flair sequence showing hyperintensity. e Compact tumor with delicate ...
3Ddouble-inversionrecovery cross-referenced3DT1WI 3DFLAIR 皮质2个高信号灶 相应区域低信号 注意:常规序列无法显示这些皮质灶 MS传统认为是白质病变,近年来超高场MRI清晰显示大脑灰质也存在病灶 typical-infratentoriallesions MS常见病灶-幕下病灶 typical-infratentoriallesions brightfociinthebrainstemandcerebellum ...