>Member of American Psychological Association; 30 years in clinical, counseling, and health psychology; over 10 years as director of an academic...
In Fall of 1999 MsMoney was riding high on the success of Dotcom Mania. It seemed as if there wasn’t anything MsMoney couldn’t conquer. I had received a commitment of three million dollars in financing in December of 1999, which gave my company a twenty million dollar valuation. We b...
思想改造和极权主义心理学——中国的洗脑研究 Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism——A Study of Brainwashing in China (美) 罗伯特·利夫顿 英文MOBI 2012-10-14 简介 洗脑——思维控制的科学其它中文名:洗脑心理学 Brainwashing——The Science of Thought Control (英) 凯瑟琳·泰勒 简体PDF(扫描版...
Scull A (2011c) Contested jurisdictions: Psychiatry, psychoanalysis, and clinical psychology in the United States, 1940–2010. Medical History; 55 (3): 401–406. Shorter E and Healy D (2007) Shock Therapy: A History of Electroconvulsive Treatment in Mental Illness. Rutgers University Press: ...
>Member of American Psychological Association; 30 years in clinical, counseling, and health psychology; over 10 years as director of an academic...
思想改造和极权主义心理学——中国的洗脑研究 Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism——A Study of Brainwashing in China (美) 罗伯特·利夫顿 英文MOBI 2012-10-14 简介 洗脑——思维控制的科学其它中文名:洗脑心理学 Brainwashing——The Science of Thought Control (英) 凯瑟琳·泰勒 简体PDF(扫描版...