四、课程设置 核心课程:Integrated Marketing 整合营销 Campaign I: Strategy & Execution 战略与执行 Com...
NYU的MS in Integrated Marketing非常有争议,主要是因其设置在SPS学院,且录取的Bar较低低,以及学费高...
斑马博士,纽约大学(NYU)MS in Integrated Marketing 整合营销硕士 【院校介绍】纽约大学(New York University),简称纽大(NYU),该校系美国大学协会成员 ,2021-2022年度,纽约大学名列U.S. News世界大学排名第30 ,THE世界大学排名第26 ,QS世界大学排名第42 ,软科世界大学学术排名第27 ;2023 US. News#25。 【专业...
项目名MS in Marketing management 商学院小有名气,还在费城,项目偏向corporate strategy…. 18. 德普大学DePaul university 综合排名:Tier 3 商学院排名:无 项目名MS in Marketing Analysis 地理位置 实用性 商学院实力都没的说,但中国学生有点多…. 19. 萨福克大学Suffolk university 综合排名:Tier 3 商学院排名:...
Advanced Behavioral Marketing Accounting and Financial Reporting Branding and Marketing Communications Business Communication Business Law Business-to-Business Marketing and Channel Strategy Customer Relationship Management Designing Experiments Integrated Digital Marketing ...
1、整合营销(Integrated marketing)即整合营销传播(Integrated marketing communications),指将一个企业的各种传播方式加以综合集成,其中包括一般的广告、与客户的直接沟通、促销、公关等等,对分散的传播信息进行无缝接合,从而使得企业及其产品和服务的总体传播效果达到明确、连续、一致和提升。
Choose a Master, an MS or an MBA in Corporate Communication The Sector of Corporate Communication Every business and every company requires a communication strategy aligned with their business objectives. This communication must be unforgettable and efficient. It must ...
#10 JHU – MS in Marketing JHU的这个项目以Analytics为核心,同时提供了research, management, channel, financial, strategy, business law, etc.相关课程,让学生综合能力更强。 据我们曾经学员的转述,JHU Marketing是一个非常好的项目,非但不水,学得还非...
7全球技术与新产品策略Global Technology and New Product Strategies 8品牌战略Branding Strategy 9中国市场营销China Marketing 10广告与整合营销传播Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communication 11全球营销Global Marketing 12营销策略选修课题Selective Topic in Marketing Strategy...
Our team can develop a strong Brand Strategy that will make You a Leader In Your Market Web Marketing MSMGI excels in developing multifaceted, customer-centric public relations campaigns and integrated marketing communications services that are strategic, creative, and effective. ...