学位要求:Bachelor 专业要求:Engineering, math or hard science 申请链接:https://gapp.usc.edu/graduate-programs/masters/how-to-apply/ready 招生电话:213-740-4488 邮寄地址:University of Southern California, USC Office of Graduate Admission, 3601 South Flower Street, Room 112, Los Angeles, CA 90089...
A maximum of 8 units may be taken from approved 400-level courses in either Electrical Engineering or Computer Science (excluding CSCI 455x); the remaining units must be approved courses at the 500 or 600 level Only one doctoral (600-level) course can be counted in the degree * The progra...
我所就读的项目全称为Master of Science in Computer Science,它开设在维特比工程学院的CS系下,并提供了三个track供学生选择,分别是28学分、32学分和37学分。 不同的track在设计上的侧重点有很大的不同,而我就读的CS37一般是为本科非CS专业的同学设置的,它可以说是同等水平学校中对转专业最友好的正统CS项目了。...
3. MS in Computer Science - Game Development, 南加大,4. M.F.A. in interactive design and ...
还没有评论,发表第一个评论吧 推荐阅读 专业解析|Computer Science(二),就业前景 大圣未来 美国工程专业最佳就业TOP10,平均年薪10万+美元! 三只企鹅发表于英美留学不... 留德申请TUM-Computational Science and Engineering zym控发表于TUM专业... 美国留学就业前景最好的10个专业,你选择对了吗? 朱哥留学打开...
【学校介绍】USC,全称:University of Southern California,南加州大学,US NEWS排名#21 【专业解读】The objective of this program is the training of graduate students with engineering, applied mathematics or physics backgrounds in the application of mathematical and engineering tools to finance. Financial...
我查了下南加州的viterbi学院,他们的master项目没有CNST这个方向。http://viterbi.usc.edu/academics/programs/ 这是他家硕士所有方向
6. 避雷篇 各国申请干货重磅罗列,希望可以帮到各位申请人!!!@出发儿留学祝有留学计划的申请人都...
USC SUNY - Buffalo Syracuse Norteastern Univ of Pittsburgh George Washington IUB Software Engineering Carnegie Mellon University University of Southern California Systems (Operating Systems, Distributed Systems) University of California, San Diego Cornell University University of Minnesota (Distributed Systems)...
My background is an BS in Electrical & Computer Engineering with minor in Computer Science and Management. I want to have a career in consulting with firms like McKinsey or BCG, which program is a better fit between Stanford MS&E and Columbia MSOR. 11楼2014-02-21 21:55 回复 一生一世爱...