When using Microsoft Excel, you may occasionally face the frustrating issue ofan Excel sheet tab missing, making it challenging to navigate your workbook data. This blog explains the reasons why Excel worksheet tabs might disappear and offersstep-by-step solutions for restoring them. To repair corru...
wTabRatio xWn (2 bytes):A signed integer that specifies the horizontal position, intwips, of the window. The value is relative to thelogical leftedge of theclient areaof the window. yWn (2 bytes):A signed integer that specifies the vertical position, in twips, of the window. The value...
altText: An ST_Xstring ([ISO/IEC29500-1:2016] section attribute that specifies the alternate text for the PivotTable ([ISO/IEC29500-1:2016] section 18.10) view. The string MUST be less than or equal to 2,000 characters in length. ...
Word, Excel, and PowerPoint Standards Support [MS-OI29500]: Office Implementation Information for ISO/IEC 29500 Standards Support [MS-OI29500]: Office Implementation Information for ISO/IEC 29500 Standards Support 1 Introduction 2 Conformance Statements 3 Appendix A: Additional Information 4 Change Trac...
In the Internet Options dialog box, click the Security tab, and then click the Internet icon. Under Security level for this zone, move the slider to High. This sets the security level for all websites you visit to High. Note If no slider is visible, click Default Level, and then move...
When you view the file information, it is converted to local time. To find the difference between UTC and local time, use the Time Zone tab in the Date and Time tool in Control Panel.Office 2000:Expand table File NameVersionDateTimeSize Mso9.dll 07-Feb-2007 13:02 5,595,...
If thepruleheaderdata.fCacheBasedfield in theBrtBeginPRuleorBrtBeginPRule14(section2.4.186) record that precedes this record is 0, then this field is anISXVD(section2.5.84) that specifies a pivot field or the data field in a PivotTable view and the value of this field MUST NOT be -1...
2.5.168 XLView 2.5.169 XLWideString 2.5.170 XmlDataType 2.5.171 XmlMappedXpath 2.5.172 Xnum 2.5.173 Xti 3 Structure Examples 4 Security Considerations 5 Appendix A: Product Behavior 6 Change Tracking 7 Index 下载PDF 使用英语阅读 保存 ...
Question:In Microsoft Excel 2013, how do I get the DEVELOPER tab to display in the toolbar at the top of the screen? The DEVELOPER tab is the toolbar that has the buttons to open the VBA editor and create Form/ActiveX Controls like buttons, checkboxes, etc. ...
Target namespace: http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2009/9/main Referenced by: CT_IgnoredErrors A