=SUBTOTAL(9, A1:A10) 计算所有单元格的总和(包括隐藏行) 如果你想计算A1到A10区域中所有单元格的总和(包括手动隐藏的行),可以使用: =SUBTOTAL(3, A1:A10) 筛选功能与SUBTOTAL函数 一个关键特性是,当使用Excel的筛选功能时,SUBTOTAL函数会自动更新以反映可见的行。这意味着,如果筛选了数据,SUBTOTAL函数会忽略...
Microsoft Excel 2016 电脑 方法/步骤 1 首先打开文档,点击界面上方的公式选项卡。2 在数学和三角函数中找到我们想要使用的函数,点击打开。3 在第一个参数中输入数字9,接着点击第二个参数右侧的折叠按钮。4 选择我们想要引用的区域,然后点击折叠按钮。5 参数设置完成之后,点击确定。6 最后我们就可以在单元格中...
This Excel tutorial explains how to use the Excel SUBTOTAL function with syntax and examples. The Microsoft Excel SUBTOTAL function returns the subtotal of the numbers in a column in a list or database.
Function 34、_num (包含隐藏值)为1到11之间的自然数,用来指定分类汇总计算使用的函数【第9套】=SUBTOTAL(109,B4:B11)INT函数将数值向下取整为最接近的整数。函数用法INT(number)Number 需要进行向下舍入取整的实数。所谓“向下舍入”就是当计算时,如果计算结果不为整数时,取小于该计算结果的整数相反的,“向上...
The function number of the subtotal formula is 101. ILTA_COUNT 0x00000002 Specifies to count the non-empty cells. The function number of the subtotal formula is 103. ILTA_COUNTNUMS 0x00000003 Specifies to count the cells that contain numbers. The function number of the subtotal ...
subtotal column: A column that uses a summary or subtotal function to display the total of detail items in a PivotTable field. table: A list that is defined in a workbook. template: A file that contains pre-defined formatting including layout, text and graphics. It serves as the basis ...
Specifies the subtotal function. XlContainsOperator Specifies the operator used in a function. XlCopyPictureFormat Specifies the format of the picture being copied. XlCorruptLoad Specifies the processing for a file when it is opened. XlCreator Specifies the 32-bit creator code for Excel for Macin...
This element is not supported in Excel 2010, Excel 2013, Excel 2016, or Excel 2019. b.The standard defines the attribute table:data-cell-range-address, contained within the element <table:label-range>, contained within the parent element <table:label-ranges> ...
38. What are the various errors that may occur in excel? #DIV/0 #NAME? #N/A #NUM! #NULL! #VALUE! #REF! ### Circular reference 39. What is the significant thing about the SUBTOTAL function? This function is used for columns of data and not for horizontal data. It is essential...