KAM_Mumin I have rearranged your formula a little and also developed the one for the month. I think it should fit like this. =SUMPRODUCT((Data_Sheet[Date and Day]>$C2-WEEKDAY($C2,16))*(Notice_Board[[#Headers],[Renting Cost]]=Data_Sheet[Type of Cost])*Data_Sheet[Cost(TK)]) =SU...
14. DAY, MONTH and YEAR In Excel, DAY, MONTH, and YEAR functions are used for breaking down dates into smaller pieces. DAY tells you the day of the month, MONTH tells you the month number, and YEAR tells you the year. Syntax: =DAY(date)Extracts the day number (1-31) from a date...
Question:In Microsoft Excel 2003/XP/2000/97, I have 2 columns. One column with "XXXXXX" which indicates a person's attendance that day and a second column indicating how many hours he was there that day. I want to compute the total hours that a person was there for a month. How can...
The Microsoft Excel EOMONTH function calculates the last day of the month after adding a specified number of months to a date. The result is returned as a serial date. The EOMONTH function is a built-in function in Excel that is categorized as a Date/Time Function. It can be used as a...
year month day hour minute second unused1 reserved1 nodeType year (2 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the year. month (2 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the month. MUST be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 12. day (4 bytes): An unsig...
2.5.133 FormulaValue 2.5.134 FrtFlags 2.5.135 FrtHeader 2.5.136 FrtHeaderOld 2.5.137 FrtRefHeader 2.5.138 FrtRefHeaderNoGrbit 2.5.139 FrtRefHeaderU 2.5.140 FtCbls 2.5.141 FtCblsData 2.5.142 FtCf 2.5.143 FtCmo 2.5.144 FtEdoData ...
defined name: A word or string of characters in a formula that represents a cell, range of cells, formula, or constant value. descending order: A sort order in which text strings are arranged in reverse alphabetical order, numerical values are arranged from largest to smallest, and dates and...
MS Excel 365 Help in Formula... Attached excel sheet containing four qtr % (unable to attach excel sheet ..please type formula as per below table) Rules/ Conditions 1. 100% requirement and subsequent Qtr 80% required : Result "100% PASS" ...