2.1.1547 Part 1 Section, showBubbleSize (Show Bubble Size) 2.1.1548 Part 1 Section, showDLblsOverMax (Show Data Labels over Maximum) 2.1.1549 Part 1 Section, showLeaderLines (Show Leader Lines) 2.1.1550 Part 1 Section, showLegendKey (Show Leg...
Excel (Additional Information) Excel Attached Toolbars Part excl (Exclusive) explosion (Explosion) ext (Extension) (section 2.1.570, section 2.1.1101, section 2.1.1206) ext (Extents) ext (Shape Extent) (section 2.1.1364, section 2.1.1604) extent (Drawing Object Size) External Name Formulas ...
I have Excel (Microsoft® Excel® for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2111 Build 16.0.14701.20278) 64-bit; this may be outdated slightly but my company manages the updates) setup to open to a blank workbook (under Options -> Start up options, unselected \"Show the Start...
Target namespace: http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/powerpoint/2016/summaryzoom A CT_SummaryZoom element that specifies the Zoom type as a Summary Zoom container. The following W3C XML Schema ([XMLSCHEMA1/2] section 2.1) fragment specifies the contents of this element. <xsd:element name="su...
Excel für Android-Smartphones Excel Mobile Nachdem Sie ein Kartendiagramm erstellt haben, möchten Sie ggf. einige der leistungsfähigen Formatierungsfunktionen nutzen. Hinweis: Kartendiagramme sind nur in Excel 2016, wenn Sie über ein Microsoft 365 verfügen. Wenn Sie Microsoft 365-Abonne...
zoom level: The degree to which a portion of an image, document, or other screen object is made to appear closer or farther away relative to its default appearance. This value is usually expressed as a percentage of the default appearance. ...
Could you clear up what the term "Term" refers to. You display a range from 1 to 60, but then say it should be a maximum of 12. What is it? And does it refer to months? Or something else? How does it relate to "# of Days"? Are the two redundant? If not, what purpose doe...
Oracle BI 企业版 (OBI EE) 提供了 Oracle BI Add-Ins for Microsoft Office 应用程序、Oracle BI Add-Ins for Excel 和 Oracle BI Add-Ins for PowerPoint 的改进版本。通过使用这些插件,您可以轻松地在 Excel 和 PowerPoint 中插入、部署和分析业务智能报表。您可以将诸如表视图和图表视图之类的...
如果在保存文件时 Microsoft Excel 要求用户输入汇总信息,则该属性值为 True。 (继承自 _Application) ProtectedViewWindows 获取一个 ProtectedViewWindows 集合,该集合表示在应用程序中打开的所有受保护的视图窗口。 (继承自 _Application) QuickAnalysis 返回一个 QuickAnalysis 对象,该对象表示应用程序的“快速分...
Other possible values for subaddress include a bookmark in a Word document, an anchor in an HTML document, a PowerPoint slide, or a cell in an Excel worksheet. Each piece of the Hyperlink field storage format can be up to 2,000 characters. The maximum length of the entire Hyperlink field...