方法/步骤 1 Excel 2007 窗口 2 Excel 2007基本概念 3 工作表基本操作单元格基本操作 方法/步骤2 1 设置工作表格式 2 公式 和函数的应用 3 对数据的管理 4 图表的使用 方法/步骤3 1 打印工作表
1 设计好你的表格后。首先选中你要固定的表头行数。如图所示,我选择前3行始终显示。从左侧整行选择 2 然后再上菜单中选择-->视图 3 之后,选择视图,下面的拆分!!!4 点击拆分后,会出现浅色的粗线。5 其实咱们要做的,就是调”粗实线“,让他们”框住“我们要冻结的表头。如图所示 6 然后选择拆分,左...
The document was a corrupted Excel spreadsheet. We received this as a compressed.xlm file via email. We unpacked and found 4.jar files, and then ran our Metasploit module to recover from the zip files. Our Metasploit module used basic forensics techniques to carve out artifacts, including the...
1.首先从网上下载安装一个小插件ExcelPrinter; 2.打开Excel 2007切换到“加载项”选项,你会发现比原来多出了“手动双面打印”和“打印当前页”这两项工具按钮; 3.单击“手动双面打印”,再单击打印按钮进行打印。Excel会先把1、3、5……等单页的内容发送到打印机打印,打印完单页后会弹出一个对话框提醒换一面打印...
You can access the VBA environment in Excel 2007 by opening the Microsoft Visual Basic window.First, be sure that the Developer tab is visible in the toolbar in Excel.The Developer tab is the toolbar that has the buttons to open the VBA editor and create Form/ActiveX Controls like buttons...
Question:How do I create a chart in Excel that has two Y-axes and one shared X-axis in Microsoft Excel 2007? Answer:First, select theInsert tabfrom the toolbar at the top of the screen. In theCharts group, click on theColumnbutton and select the first chart (Clustered Column) under ...
熟练的使用office快捷键,会让你工作如鱼得水,游刃有余,下面我就列出常用的两款软件word和excel的快捷键: Office常用快捷键: ctrl+空格:打开输入法 sgift+空格:切换全角和半角. ctrl+shift:切换输入法。 ctrl+home:跳到文件开头。 ctrl+end:跳到文件最后。