Extend the standard Dynamics 365 authorization and role-based access control with policy-driven, granular access control to safeguard data and business transaction. Key Features: Attribute Based Access Control Control access to data and business transactions through human readable business rules. A simple...
msdyn_TelephonyResourceProvisionAction Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.msdyn_TelephonyResourceProvisionAction Type generated by CrmSvcUtil.exe or use OrganizationRequest setting the required parameters for the message. Retrieve GET [org URI]/api/data/v9.0/msdyn_occommunicationprovidersettings(msdyn...
The MS-100 certification exam is a computer-based assessment and, in order to ensure successful passage of the exam, we recommend getting hands-on experience with Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Microsoft Office 365. This article will explain what is MS-100 Exam is, how to register, the...
Policy-driven, granular access control to safeguard Dynamics 365 data and business transaction. Extend the standard Dynamics 365 authorization and role-based access control with policy-driven, granular access control to safeguard data and business transaction. Key Features: Attribute Based Access Control...
Policy-driven, granular access control to safeguard Dynamics 365 data and business transaction. Extend the standard Dynamics 365 authorization and role-based access control with policy-driven, granular access control to safeguard data and business transaction. Key Features: Attribute Based Access Control ...
Policy-driven, granular access control to safeguard Dynamics 365 data and business transaction. Extend the standard Dynamics 365 authorization and role-based access control with policy-driven, granular access control to safeguard data and business transaction. Key Features: Attribute Based Access Control ...
NextLabs is available for SaaS, Private Cloud and on-premise deployments of Dynamics 365. 概览 获取此产品即表示我授权 Microsoft 使用或共享我的帐户信息,以便提供商可以就此产品和相关产品与我联系。我同意提供商的使用条款和隐私策略,并了解使用此产品的权限并非来自 Microsoft,除非 Microsoft 是提供商。AppSou...
Subsequently, it was tested in primary progressive MS (PPMS) patients in the randomized phase 2–3 of the OLYMPUS trial [92]. Although its primary efficacy end point was not met, it was suggested that the selective depletion of B cells may affect the progression of disability, with the ...