神经内科领域的专家研究发现,如果在MS的缓解期能采用疾病修正治疗(Disease-Modifying Treatment, DMT)则可以显著降低复发率和MRI新增病变数量,这一理念经过临床实践证明后迅速成为了MS缓解期的标准治疗方案。在过去的几年中,治疗药物的研发和MS诊断标准的优化促进了新的疾病...
(1)急性期治疗; (2)缓解期治疗:即疾病修正治疗(disease modifying therapy,DMT); (3)对症治疗; (4)康复治疗。 MS的急性期主要以减轻恶化期症状、缩短病程、改善残疾程度和预防并发症为主要目标,主要药物为糖皮质激素;缓解期治疗以控制疾病进展为主要目标,推荐使用DMT治疗。主要药物包括口服特立氟胺、注射用重组人...
5.Lazibat I, Šamija RK, Rotim K. INNOVATIVE THERAPIES REDEFINE TREATMENT GOALS IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. Acta Clin Croat. 2016;55(1):125-133. 6.Wiendl H, Gold R, Berger T, et al. Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Consensus Group (MSTCG)...
许多针对MS的疾病修正疗法(或“疾病修正治疗”disease-modifying therapy,简称DMT,下同)通过抑制或改变免疫系统来发挥作用。一些MS药物可能会增加因新冠肺炎而出现并发症的可能性,但这种风险需要与停止或延迟治疗的风险相平衡。 我们建议目前正在服用DMT的MS患者继续接受治疗,除非他们的治疗临床医生建议停止治疗。 出现新冠...
What do we know about the mechanism of action of disease-modifying treat- ments in MS? J Neurol 2004; 251(Suppl 5): v12-v29.Hartung HP, Bar-Or A, Zoukos Y. What do we know about the mechanism of action of disease-modifying treatments in MS? J Neurol 2004;251(suppl 5):v12-v...
Time to EDSS6 was similar for the treatment strategies respectively: 14.6 vs 16.4 vs 13.3 years, p=0.13. Conclusions Patients requiring escalation had relatively worse outcomes, and could be identified as having higher disease activity on treatment initiation. This data suggest that initial selection...
[16]Ilya Kister.Disease modifying treatment–if and when to stop in Relapsing MS? ECTRIMS 2021,13-15 October 2021, The Digital Experience.https://vmx.m-anage.com/program/congrex/ectrims2021/en-GB. [17]McFaul D,Hakopian NN, Smith JB, et al. Defining Benign/Burnt-Out MS and Discontinuin...
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is thought to be an autoimmune disease; however, the exact cause is not known. Early signs and symptoms of MS are fatigue, bladder and bowel problems, vision problems, and numbness, tingling, or pain in certain areas of the body.
Once a diagnosis has been confirmed, disease-modifying therapy is often recommended. This therapy may decrease the number of exacerbations that a patient experiences or decrease the severity of an exacerbation. In addition, many of these therapies have been shown to decrease the potential for develop...