FileSystemTokenStore FlowAccessControlConfiguration FlowAccessControlConfigurationPolicy FlowEndpoints FlowEndpointsConfiguration ForwardProxy ForwardProxyConvention FrequencyUnit FrontEndConfiguration FrontEndServiceType FtpsState FunctionApp FunctionApp.Definition FunctionApp.DefinitionStages FunctionApp.DefinitionStages.Blank...
2.1.728 Part 1 Section 18.9.9, metadataStrings (Metadata String Store) 2.1.729 Part 1 Section 18.9.10, metadataType (Metadata Type Information) 2.1.730 Part 1 Section 18.9.11, metadataTypes (Metadata Types Collection) 2.1.731 Part 1 Section 18.9.12, ms (Set MDX Metadata) 2.1....
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Mac App Store 预览 打开Mac App Store 购买和下载 App。PUB Converter-for MS Publisher 4+ RootRise Technologies Pvt. Ltd. ¥298.00 截屏简介 PUB Converter offers to batch convert Microsoft Publisher documents (.pub) into Microsoft Word documents (.docx and .doc), OpenOffice document (.odt) ...
AppSource Visual Studio 其他 Microsoft Rewards 免費下載與安全性 教育 禮品卡 Licensing 檢視網站地圖 搜尋 搜尋說明 無結果 取消 登入 使用Microsoft 登入 登入或建立帳戶。 您好: 選取其他帳戶。 您有多個帳戶 選擇您要用來登入的帳戶。MS15-018:Internet Explorer 的累積安全性更新:2015 年 3 月 10 ...
Mac App Store 预览 打开Mac App Store 购买和下载 App。PUB Converter-for MS Publisher 4+ RootRise Technologies Pvt. Ltd. ¥298.00 截屏简介 PUB Converter offers to batch convert Microsoft Publisher documents (.pub) into Microsoft Word documents (.docx and .doc), OpenOffice document (.odt) ...
AppSource Visual Studio 其他 免费下载与安全性 教育 查看站点地图 搜索 搜索帮助 无结果 取消 登录 使用Microsoft 登录 登录或创建帐户。 你好, 使用其他帐户。 你有多个帐户 选择要登录的帐户。MS15-018:Internet Explorer 累积安全更新:2015 年 3 月 10 日 Applies ToInternet Explorer 10 Internet Ex...
It also serves as a Remote App to control the playback on the Movie Server, such as Pause, Fast Forward, Rewind, Switch Audios and Subtitles and from 2D mode to 3D mode. Moreover, its basic remote functions also work on other iOS Apps. ...
ms-DS-External-Store ms-DS-Failed-Interactive-Logon-Count ms-DS-Failed-Interactive-Logon-Count-At-Last-Successful-Logon ms-DS-Filter-Containers ms-DS-Generation-Id ms-DS-GeoCoordinates-Altitude ms-DS-GeoCoordinates-Latitude ms-DS-GeoCoordinates-Longitude ms-DS-GroupMSAMembership ms-DS-HAB-Senio...
Privacy dell’app Lo sviluppatore,@Point of Care, ha indicato che le procedure per la tutela della privacy dell’app potrebbero includere il trattamento dei dati descritto di seguito. Per scoprire di più, consulta l’informativa sulla privacy dello sviluppatore. ...