Same problem here but mine is going from Access 2003 to Access 2007. I had a query in 2003 in which I could update values in my query but in 2007 I get the message 'This record set is not updateable'. I tried "Dynaset (Inconsistent Updates)" that was suggested ealier but had not ...
Same problem here but mine is going from Access 2003 to Access 2007. I had a query in 2003 in which I could update values in my query but in 2007 I get the message 'This record set is not updateable'. I tried "Dynaset (Inconsistent Updates)" that was suggested ealier but had not ...
6 MS ACCESS: How can i count distinct value using access query? 9 How to count distinct records 0 Writing a Query with Distinct Count in Access 1 Count unique values in Access query 2 SELECT DISTINCT count() in Microsoft Access 0 Count distinct while grouping in MS Access 2010 1 ...
You can access the ROWID with the Microsoft provider by explicitly requesting the ROWID in the query. For example:Copy select ROWID, EMPLOYEE_ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME from EMPLOYEES; The ExecuteStream method of the ODP.NET OracleCommand returns the result set for an XML command as a ...
[,,,Table Name,,] #define SSCE_M_QP_COLUMNINUSE 25584 // The column could not be modified because one or more objects access this column. [,,,Column Name, Object Name (if available),] #define SSCE_M_QP_QUERY_NOT_KEYSET_NO_TABLE 25585 // Cannot generate a keyset cursor for the ...
SSCE_M_FILEACCESSDENIED 不允许访问数据库文件。 不适用 File name(文件名) 25044 SSCE_M_TOOMANYOPENFILES 操作系统错误:已超出操作系统的打开文件数限制。需要关闭其他应用程序以释放资源来打开文件。 不适用 不适用 25046 SSCE_M_FILENOTFOUND 找不到数据库文件。请检查数据库的路径。 不适用 File name(文件名...
SSCE_M_SYSTABACCESSDENIED 内部错误:拒绝访问系统表。 不适用 不适用 25117 SSCE_M_ALREADYOPENED 其他用户已打开数据库。 不适用 Db name(数据库名称) 25118 SSCE_M_CANTOPENSHAREDMEMORY 内部错误:无法打开共享内存区域。 不适用 不适用 25119 SSCE_M_CANTCHANGEKEYCOLUMN ...
The column could not be modified because one or more objects access this column. Not applicable Column name, Object Name (if available) 25585 SSCE_M_QP_QUERY_NOT_KEYSET_NO_TABLE Cannot generate a keyset cursor for the query because there is no reference to base table. Cursor Option Not app...
The column could not be modified because one or more objects access this column. Not applicable Column name, Object Name (if available) 25585 SSCE_M_QP_QUERY_NOT_KEYSET_NO_TABLE Cannot generate a keyset cursor for the query because there is no reference to base table. Cursor Option Not app...