I get the second error by commenting out the first Call. The error in the same for both calls: Error 2771: The bound or unbound object frame you tried to edit does not contain an OLE object. I'm trying to replace my CDO sendmail code with OAuth2 code. vba email ms-access google-oa...
Unbound object frames Bound object frames Image controls Background of a form set with the Picture property Requirements for Using ASPs To display and use an ASP, a copy of your database and ASP components must reside on a computer running one of the following operating systems and Int...
ControlBoundObjectFrame ControlUnboundObjectFrame PageBreakInsertOrRemove PrintSetupDialog CreateFormInDesignView CreateQueryFromWizard CreateReportInDesignView MacroConditions MacroNames ControlToggleButton DatabaseRelationships TableIndexes ViewsAdpDiagramSqlView QueryTableNamesShowHide QueryShowTa...
● You have obtained the SN of the access device. NO TE If the devices are cascaded, record the SN of only one device so that the system automatically identifies the cascaded device when a PV plant is created.Procedure Step 1 Choose Plants > Plant > Plant Management. ...
Added support to TensorFlow Object Detection for using a different frame generator, instead of Vuforia. Using Vuforia to pass the camera frame to TFOD is still supported. Removes usage of Renderscript. Fixes logspam on app startup of repeated stacktraces relating to "Failed resolution of: Landroi...
JvmtiExport can_access_local_variables 0 JvmtiExport can_hotswap_or_post_breakpoint 0 JvmtiExport can_post_on_exceptions 0 # 153 ciObject found ciMethod java/lang/String equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z 3673 16385 5173 0 -1 ciMethod org/springframework/asm/ClassReader readCode (Lorg/...
6 , vbo_controlframe.zipCreate your own system button such as a Maximize, Minimize, Close, and many others with ease! 7 , vbo_ctextbox.zipThis class makes using the Textbox or Edit class API simple. Easily set properties and access many features not available directly from VB. 8 , ...
A jewelry-quality cordierite crystal (Figure 2) from the rocks of epidote-amphibolite facies of the Muzkol metamorphic complex was chosen as an object for the study. Figure 2. Photographs of the original cordierite crystal from the Muzkol metamorphic complex, Tajikistan (a), and its cut (b)...
The SecurityException object has been enhanced to provide more information in the case of a failed permission. DPAPI managed wrapper. .NET Framework 2.0 provides a set of managed classes to access the Win32 Data Protection API (DPAPI). This makes it easier to secure sensitive data in memory wh...
When the network adapter is removed, the miniport driver is unbound, shut down, and unloaded. To implement Plug and Play on a Windows CE-based system, you must set the DriverEntry function to "init." All of the other miniport-driver initialization code should be set to "page," as it ...