Access ActiveX settings by navigating to the following registry location: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\Security] Select the DisableAllActiveX DWORD value (if it does not exist, then create it). Set the Data value to 1. Exit Registry Editor. Impact of workaround. ActiveX ...
changed the 'Trust Center/Macro Settings' to 'Enable all ...' and it worked great. BUT then a person I was working with on the same database opened it and they killed all of the macros again; I had to repeat the same procedure above to get my partner working again. After that we...
ms-Authz-Central-Access-Policy-ID ms-Authz-Effective-Security-Policy ms-Authz-Last-Effective-Security-Policy ms-Authz-Member-Rules-In-Central-Access-Policy ms-Authz-Member-Rules-In-Central-Access-Policy-BL ms-Authz-Proposed-Security-Policy ms-Authz-Resource-Condition ms-COM-DefaultPartitionLink ms-...
Domains in Windows NT and Windows 2000 can enter into trust relationships, in order to allow users in one domain to access resources in another. For instance, the administrator of Domain A might agree to trust Domain B, thereby allowing users in Domain B to access and use servers, files, ... File Access Services Remote Desktop and Web Services Intranet Web Environment Mixed Web Environment 2.1.3 Relevant Standards 2.1.4 Relationship Between Standards and Microsoft Extensions 2.2 Protocol Summary 2.3 Environment 2.4 Assumptions and Preconditi...
[MS-WSTEP]: WS-Trust X.509v3 Token Enrollment Extensions [MS-WSTIM]: WS-Transfer: Identity Management Operations for Directory Access Extensions [MS-WSUSAR]: Windows Server Update Services: Administrative API Remoting Protocol (WSUSAR) [MS-WSUSSS]: Windows Update Services: Server-Server Protocol... MS-TS-GatewayAccess Terminal-Server-License-Server Domain-Administer-Server User-Change-Password User-Force-Change-Password Send-As Receive-As Send-To Domain-Password 6.1....
Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) is a standards-based service that allows the secure sharing of identity information between trusted business partners (known as a federation) across an extranet. When a user needs to access a Web application from one of its federation partners, the use...
Selectively enable Web applications. If you find that some Web applications must be able to use HTML Help functionality, you can selectively re-enable access to the servers that host those applications. The following registry file example re-enables the HTML He...
Selectively enable Web applications. If you find that some Web applications must be able to use HTML Help functionality, you can selectively re-enable access to the servers that host those applications. The following registry file example re-enables the HTML Hel...