ms-Authz-Central-Access-Policy-ID ms-Authz-Effective-Security-Policy ms-Authz-Last-Effective-Security-Policy ms-Authz-Member-Rules-In-Central-Access-Policy ms-Authz-Member-Rules-In-Central-Access-Policy-BL ms-Authz-Proposed-Security-Policy ms-Authz-Resource-Condition ms-COM-DefaultPartitionLink ms-...
ms-Authz-Central-Access-Policy-ID ms-Authz-Effective-Security-Policy ms-Authz-Last-Effective-Security-Policy ms-Authz-Member-Rules-In-Central-Access-Policy ms-Authz-Member-Rules-In-Central-Access-Policy-BL ms-Authz-Proposed-Security-Policy ms-Authz-Resource-Condition ms-COM-DefaultPartitionLink ms-...
所有的DataAccess类均继承自DataAccessBase类,所有的 DataAccess在实例化时会传入一个字符串做为构造函数,他是当前要访问的数据表的表名,然后DataAccess在初始化时会将这个表的所有字段名和主键名找出来并放到内部变量中,当进行数据操作时,再将这些字符名与SQL语句进行拼接,通过Maticsoft.DBUtility完成数据库操作。 所...
左连接查询:以左表为主表,右表为从表,查询符合条件的数据 1.当右表中数据匹配不到时展示为空 ...
Vol-Table-GUID Vol-Table-Idx-GUID Volume-Count Wbem-Path Well-Known-Objects When-Changed When-Created Winsock-Addresses WWW-Home-Page WWW-Page-Other X121-Address x500uniqueIdentifier X509-Cert Linked Attributes Indexed Attributes Global Attributes ANR Attributes Syntaxes Control Access Rights RootDSE Do...
Login failed for user '<UserName>'. Reason: An attempt to login using SQL authentication failed. Server is configured for Windows authentication only. You are trying to access SQL Server through a group and you see an error message.If you don't have the necessary permissions to access the ...
如果在表上定义了 CHECK 约束,它可以基于行中其他列的值来限制某些列中的值。...在 CREATE TABLE 时使用 SQL CHECK 以下 SQL 在创建 "Persons" 表时在 "Age" 列上创建了一个 CHECK 约束。...SQL DEFAULT 约束 SQL DEFAULT 约束用于为列设置默认...
These are the specific values available to describe the access control on an alias object. A bitwise OR operation can be performed on these values, along with values from section For more information on the message processing of these values, see section Expand table Co...
These are the specific values available to describe the access control on a user object. A bitwise OR operation can be