获取随 Microsoft 365 一起持续改进的基础生产力工具。Exchange Online 是一种托管解决方案,可直接通过该工具或通过 Microsoft 365 订阅获得。Exchange Server 2019 是本地解决方案。 查看计划和定价 与销售人员交谈 请联系销售专员以了解详细信息。 周一到周五上午 9 点到下午 6 点在线。
了解Exchange 可帮助发展业务的更多方式 针对专业公司的专业电子邮件托管服务 阅读详细信息 为公司规划安全的未来 阅读详细信息 找到满足业务需求的电子邮件服务功能 阅读详细信息 小型企业的电子邮件安全指南 阅读详细信息 将电子邮件提升至企业级 获取免费电子书
深入閱讀 小型企業的安全電子郵件指南 深入閱讀 升級至企業級電子郵件服務 取得免費電子書 立即取得 取得Microsoft 365 同時獲得不斷改進的基本生產力工具。Exchange Online 是可單獨取得或隨 Microsoft 365 訂閱取得的代管解決方案。Exchange Server 2019 是內部部署解決方案。
Bump your email up to business class Get the free e-book Get it now Get the essential productivity tools that just keep getting better with Microsoft 365. Exchange Online is a hosted solution that you can get by itself or with a Microsoft 365 subscription. Exchange Server 2019 is an on...
Q.How to archive Office 365 in a PST file using this software? A. Archive Office 365 in PST file: Step 1: Run The Microsoft Office 365 Email Archiving tool. Step 2: Select Office 365 from the dropdown of the welcome screen.
I have successfully configured Canon printer to send scans to e-mails using MS 365 account. I have noticed that a copy of the scanned document will be sent to the sender account. This function is not convenient as users do not want their scan documents to be seen by others...
Email Sentiment (msdyn_emailsentiment) table/entity reference (Microsoft Dynamics 365) 發行項 2025/02/08 1 位參與者 意見反應 本文內容 Messages Properties Writable columns/attributes Read-only columns/attributes 顯示其他 2 個 MessagesThe following table lists the messages for the Email ...
Hello, Can we delete an email using a playbook from MS 365? If anyone has an idea kindly answer Thanks in advance!! Hi, I've not seen any playbooks around for this, and I've seen people having issues creating them as the entity for mail related alerts is the netwo...
Email Sentiment (msdyn_emailsentiment) table/entity reference (Microsoft Dynamics 365) 项目 2025/02/08 1 个参与者 反馈 本文内容 Messages Properties Writable columns/attributes Read-only columns/attributes 显示另外 2 个 MessagesThe following table lists the messages for the Email Sentiment (...