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The physiological concentration of the sum of all PCs in human plasma mentioned in the literature is 211.3 mg/dL (157.0–327.0)33,34,35,36. For demonstration purposes in our study, one PC standard (211.3 mg/dL 1,2-dinonadecanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine) was used to represent ...
<211> Section Windows 7 operating system and later and Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system and later based SMB2 servers support only the levels described above, and Windows 7 operating system and later and Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system and later based SMB2 clients requ...
<211> Section Windows 7 operating system and later and Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system and later based SMB2 servers support only the levels described above, and Windows 7 operating system and later and Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system and later based SMB2 clients request...
According to the PANTHER database [21], several protein classes are overrepresented in SOMA when compared to RNA and PROT, including signaling molecules (253), receptors (211), defense/immunity proteins (146), proteases (120), cell adhesion molecules (104), kinases (90) and extracellular matrix...