In September 2012, Yimmy Anthony Pineda Penado, also known as “Critico” and “Spike” of Maryland, was a former “clique leader” of MS-13. Penado became the 11th MS-13 gang member to be convicted of child prostitution since 2011. The FBI had started a MS-13 National Gang Task For...
We wondered about Trump’s claim that Pelosi "came out in favor of MS-13" and that she has defended gang members. Trump distorted the facts. Pelosi said "calling people animals is not a good thing," but did not focus her comments on MS-13 gang members. Trump...
Bongiovanni to be a member of the Columbus Street gang for almost a decade and that she went by the gang name, "Diabla." It wasn't difficult police work...Ms. Bongiovanni sported Columbus Street gang tattoos on her body. If that weren't enough, police said she also admitted she was a...
but instead took the life of a young boy on the road to making a great life for himself. The victim was not a gang member, he was a threat to no one, he was just a kid trying to do the right thing that was in the wrong place at the wrong time. His killers were caught and ...
I rarely follow “Celebs”, I even more rarely tweet them but recently I broke my own rule and followed the Lizard Lick Towing gang. I have no idea why I enjoy watching their show so much, maybe its that I like shouting “NOOOOOO!” at the TV in a desperate attempt to stop them ...
authorizes revocation of a peace officer’s certification for “serious misconduct,” including “participation in a law enforcement gang” or “failure to cooperate with an investigation into potential police misconduct.” On May 12, 2023, the Office of the Inspector General for the County of Los...
a wildlife park ranger who disappeared while trying to protect a family of gorillas. When the leader of the gang sets up an illegal mine, his buyer wants a baby gorilla as part of the deal. Despite the danger, Imara and Bobo know they must return the newly captured baby gorilla to the...