The mRx-Cre activity in the eye, forebrain and hypothalamus analyzed using the ROSA26R reporter line.doi:10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0063029.G004K. LucieLachova JitkaMachon OndrejSedlacek RadislavKozmik ZbynekPLOS ONE
#话说宿州#【宿州的“金陵瓜”】朱元璋当了皇帝之后,经常有一些国家带着礼物前来祝贺。皇帝和皇后对西域进贡的西瓜十分喜欢。皇后本是宿州农家儿女,对春种秋收、夏管冬藏的农事活动情有独钟。她把优质的西瓜种子收藏起来,在宫内辟地种植。并把西瓜良种带回了宿州,让故里的乡亲也吃上了“金陵瓜”。 ...
Three solids flow models for gas flowing solids fixed bed contactors are analyzed. They all presume axial dispersion in the dynamic, freely flowing zone, but they differ in the interpretation of the stagnant zone. The models have been examined and the model parameters have been optimize...
Thermodynamic Analysis for the Production of Hydrogen through Sorption Enhanced Water Gas Shift (SEWGS) : International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineeringsorption enhanced water gas shiftsodium zirconatehydrogen productionthermodynamic analysisA thermodynamic analysis for the process concept of hy...
Industrial Ecology Ecosystem Environmental Information DisclosureWith the development of human society,the question between the industrial production and the environmental pollution is more and more outstanding,the industrial ecology,which regards the industry society as an ecosystem,has become the im...
CFD, simulation, steam reforming, fixed-bed reactorAn industrial steam reforming reactor producing hydrogen is simulated using the three-dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) technique. The fixed bed reactor is filled with a nickel oxide catalyst. Effects of operating conditions such as ...
贾老公爷并不搭话,没有丝毫犹豫,从抽出背后强弓,连发三箭,将对方射落马下,再一次大震士气。 突如其来的变故,令吐吉可汗眉间隆起,“这个老不死的,竟敢来坏我好事!呸。” 啐了一口,吐吉可汗又传令道:“将他们放进来,重新编织队形,从后方将全部人包剿!” 北蛮的马要比大昌的马健硕许多,在脚力上也远胜之,...