2025-02更新 企业注册号: 1441803 成立日期: 1988-07-26 企查查编码: QUSFNQ76C7 办公地址: 8917 FULBRIGHT AVENUECHATSWORTH, CA 91311 基本信息 企业注册号 1441803 企业名称 MRV TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 企业状态 Merged Out 成立日期 1988-07-26 企业类型 ...
2025-01更新 企业注册号: 601 712 353 成立日期: 1996-05-08 企查查编码: QUSXSN5XGU 办公地址: - 基本信息 企业注册号 601 712 353 企业名称 MRV TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 企业状态 Terminated 成立日期 1996-05-08 企业类型 FOREIGN PROFIT CORPORATION ...
MRV Communications(MRVC) 公司名称MRV Communications, Inc. 英文名称Mrv Communications, Inc. 董事长Kenneth H. Traub 主要股东-- 成立日期- 主营业务-- 公司简介MRV Communications, Inc.于1988年7月在加利福尼亚州以MRV Technologies, Inc.的名义成立。1992年4月,该公司重新在特拉华州设立并更名为MRV Communicat...
9.975% 简介:MRV Communications, Inc.于1988年7月在加利福尼亚州以MRV Technologies, Inc.的名义成立。1992年4月,该公司重新在特拉华州设立并更名为MRV Communications, Inc. 通过其业务单元,MRV向全球供应光通信网络基础设备,以及向包括跨国电信运营商,当地直辖市,有线多系统运营商(MSOs),企业和消费者高速互联网...
regulators and OEMs have been seeking to establish baseline metrics on the real-world emissions of power equipment. GlobalMRV’s Backpack, PEMS Cart, and Sample Conditioning System can be utilized as the first products of their kind to provide data acquisition technologies for in-use, small-engin...
The enriched OptiDriver solution is fully integrated into MRV’s advanced Pro-Vision® service provisioning and management software that enables remote point-and-click service turn up and circuit reconfiguration. In combination with the highly programmable ROADM and open LINUX operating software, the ...
Vitesse Semiconductor, Inc., a fabless semiconductor developer; Xyratex Ltd, a data storage company; MIPS Technologies, Inc., a semiconductor technology company; Intermolecular, Inc., a semiconductor materials supplier; and Phoenix Technologies, Inc., a leading supplier of firmware for computers, among...
technologiescurrentlyavailable.ThisisprimarilybasedonClimateandCleanAirCoalitions TechnicalGuidanceDocumecntandEPASGasSTARProgram.15,16 附件2非常简要地栅述了口前可用的各种甲烷检测和量化技术。这主要基于气候与 清洁空气联归的技术指导文件和EPA的GasSTAR计划。 2.Methaneemissionsintheoilandgasindustry石油和天然气行业...
Agilent Technologies MXA N9020A 20Hz - 8.4GHz Agilent Technologies MXA N9020A 20Hz - 13.6GHz Agilent E4440 Spectrum Analyzer R&S罗德与施瓦茨 FSV 10Hz-7GHz R&S罗德与施瓦茨 FSV 2Hz-8GHz R&S罗德与施瓦茨 FSV 2Hz-43.5GHz HP 8565E 频谱分析仪9KHz-50GHz HP 8560E 30Hz -2.9GHz HP 8594E ...
China is aggressively developing electric vehicles, distributed photovoltaic (PV) systems, and numerous other innovative energy technologies to reach this goal. However, the fragmented and dispersed nature of these carbon abatement behaviors makes their quantification extremely challenging and results in ...