大家下载MODIS数据的时候,大多是hdf的格式数据。HDF数据包括11个波段的数据(如下图),假如想要其中一个波段数据,我们需要批量提取,这时就要用到NASA提供的MODIS Reprojection Tool,此工具虽不能实现全自动的批量提取,但是可以实现按月进行数据的提取及拼接,官网提供了Linux、macos、windows的版本,本文以windows环境为例,说...
To test the new localized changes, you simply add a new preferred UI language to Windows. There is no need to download language packs, reboot the system, or have your entire Windows UI appear in a foreign language. Run the Settings app (Windows + I) Go to Time & langua...
Mrt7enu.dll download. The Mrt7enu.dll file is a dynamic link library for Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista and XP. You can fix The file Mrt7enu.dll is missing. and Mrt7enu.dll not found. errors by downloading and installing this file from our site.
To test the new localized changes, you simply add a new preferred UI language to Windows. There is no need to download language packs, reboot the system, or have your entire Windows UI appear in a foreign language. Run theSettingsapp (Windows + I) ...
xmlns:rescap="http://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/manifest/foundation/windows10/restrictedcapabilities" IgnorableNamespaces="uap mp rescap"> <Identity Name="Contoso.Demo" Publisher="CN=Contoso.Demo" Version="" /> <Properties> <DisplayName>Contoso App</DisplayName> ...
安装准备:检查是否安装java.exe。Java版本至少为Java 2 Runtime Environment version 1.5或者是Java 2 SDK version 1.5或者更高的版本。在Windows平台中可以通过开始/搜索并输入java.exe来检查自己的电脑是否安装有java,也可以不检查直接重新安装一份。 解压安装包MRT_download_<platform>.zip。包含四个文件:mrt_instal...
MSRT is a tool that helps remove specific prevalent malware from Windows computers. Learn how to download, run, and use MSRT, and what it can and cannot do. إزالة برامج ضارة شائعة محددة باستخدام أ...
Download the PDBs for MRT Core (e.g. c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64\srcsrv>symchk /v "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.WindowsAppRuntime.1.6-preview1_6000.219.2254.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.dll" /s https://msdl....
安装准备:检查是否安装java.exe。Java版本至少为Java 2 Runtime Environment version 1.5或者是Java 2 SDK version 1.5或者更高的版本。在Windows平台中可以通过开始/搜索并输入java.exe来检查自己的电脑是否安装有java,也可以不检查直接重新安装一份。 解压安装包MRT_download_<platform>.zip。包含四个文件:mrt_instal...
Learn how to download, run, and use MSRT, and what it can and cannot do. Windows Kötü Amaçlı Yazılımları Temizleme Aracı'nı kurumsal bir ortamda ... Windows-KB890830-V5.132.exe /x adlı paketten Mrt.exe dosyasını ayıklayın. Mrt.exe başlat...