(I5-8500) with six independent processor "cores" on a single chip, a 9 MB shared level 3 cache, 8 GB of 2666 MHz DDR4 SDRAM that is reportedly "built into the computer" -- but it actually can be upgraded later, it is just needlessly difficult -- a 1 TB Fusion D...
Check access to the full text by signing in through your organization. Access through your organization Section snippets Materials and methods The development of WebMRT involved various tasks, from data sourcing and backend model development to photo segmentation and the design of a user-friendly ...
Lastly, each intensity level is transformed into individual segments using the same algorithm as in the full IMRT solution. However, the final plan that results from this solution is composed of rather large beams, closer to forward planning than to inverse IMRT segments. It is possible to ...
7G computer; and three quality tests show that the system can not only become better and better by adding more templates without changing itself in the development,but also reach a middle accuracy in the application when comparing with commercial competing systems. Full-Text Contact Us service@...
iMac has always stood out in form and function. It is an elegant, quiet, all-in-one computer that puts everything - display, processor, graphics, storage, memory, and more - inside one simple, stylish enclosure. And thanks to its super-slim profile, which measures 5mm at its ...
iMac has always stood out in form and function. It is an elegant, quiet, all-in-one computer that puts everything - display, processor, graphics, storage, memory, and more - inside one simple, stylish enclosure. And thanks to its super-slim profile, which measures 5mm at its edge, it...
Outdoor taxi roof LED display has special cooling system design, which will make the equipment work more reliable in high temperature and high humidity environments. Optional Supporting Plan Camera, cable, computer, 5G, WIFI technology, cloud broadcast control...
This is probably related to SQL modes on MySQL, specifically with NO_ZERO_IN_DATE and NO_ZERO_DATE modes:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36882149/error-1067-42000-invalid-default-value-for-created-atBecause Laravel's defaults toset session sql_mode='ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES...
The alignment procedure sets the rotor to an accurate initial position and enables you to apply full start-up torque to the motor. A correct initial position is needed mainly for high start-up loads (compressors, washers, and so on). The aim of the alignment is to have the rotor in a ...
This attempt is essential to extend the full capability of LBM to shallow water flow studies. Tubbs and Tsai [46] showed that single-relaxation-time (SRT)-LBM has a serious stability problem for solving shallow water equations with very small viscosity. This stability would be even worse in ...