Methods: Data was retrospectively collected in patients screened for MRSA in the nares on MICU admission. The primary outcome was the incidence of MRSA PNA infection in patients with nares culture positive compared to negative for MRSA. The secondary outcomes were the incidence of other bod...
Effectiveness of preoperative decolonization with nasal povidone iodine in Chinese patients undergoing elective orthopedic surgery: a prospective cross-sec... Staphylococcus aureus colonization in the nares of patients undergoing elective orthopedic surgery increases the potential risk of surgical site infections...
This was across-sectional study in which cultures from anterior nares were obtained from healthy hospital worker and community. Isolates were identified as S. aureus based on morphological and biochemical tests. Antibiotic susceptibility profiles were determined by the disk diffusion method. All isolates...
A hospital setting, if not under strict hygienic control, provides excellent conditions for efficient spread of MRSA. Although colonisation typically occurs in the anterior nares, open wounds or intravenous catheters are also potential sites for infection. Therefore, the daily contact between health ...
The following companies offer selective, chromogenic media for the qualitative detection of nasal colonization by MRSA. All products are intended to be used for swab specimens from the anterior nares and are not for diagnosis or to monitor treatment of MRSA infections. All media are incubated at ...
Evaluation of the Xpert MRSA assay for rapid detection of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus from nares swabs of geriatric hospitalized patients a... Rapid and reliable detection of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ( MRSA ) carriers is crucial for control of MRSA nosocomial transmission...
Staphylococcus aureus is a common commensal asymptomatically colonizing the nares and other body sites in approximately 30%of healthy individuals.The remarkable success of S.aureus as a human pathogen is due in large part to its ability to develop resistance to antimicrobial agents.By the 1980s, ...
Sterile Ames media transport swabs (Medical Wire) were used to sample both anterior nares of staff members and animal patients. The personnel who conducted the swabbing and processing of samples were also swabbed and found to be negative for MRSA. Swabs were then inoculated into 4 ml of Mu¨...
A phage cocktail containing three Staphylococcus phages, or a control buffer was administered to the nares and skin of the pigs three times every two days, after which the phage and MRSA levels in nasal and skin swab samples were monitored for a three-week period. The sensitivity of the ...
Decolonisation of MRSA within nares is a precautionary part of surgical premedication, for which mupirocin (Bactroban; pseudomonic acid A) is widely prescribed [1]. The rapid intra-gastric cleavage to monic acid A, discovered during its development in the 1970s, limited its clinical use to topic...