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德国巨炮,二战重锤:210毫米Mrs18重型榴弹炮 来源:哔哩哔哩 发布时间:2023-12-13 02:32 元首之锤—Mrs 18 210mm重型榴弹炮,东部战线破障者 简介:Mrs 18重炮2天就踢开了斯大林防线,70°的超高仰角... 来源:好看视频 发布时间:1个月前 00:30 这是二战时期的210毫米榴弹炮 ...
Mr.And Mrs.Smith had always spent their summer holidays in New Jersey in the past, staying in a small inn at the foot of a hill.One year, however, Mr.Smith made a lot of money in his business, so they decided to go to London and stay at a really good hotel while they went tour...
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Each query is transformed step by step into a set of answer clauses;(ii) SLG resolution is sound and ideally complete for all non-floundering queries with respect to all three-valued stable models (including the well founded partial... W Chen,DS Warren - Pods 被引量: 229发表: 1993年 Cl...
【包税】【18秋冬】MR & MRS ITALY/皮草夫妇 - BB203E - 刺绣款CLARK ROSS飞行员派克外套带眼镜蛇刺绣(非质量问题不退换)寺库价 ¥ 16,518 ¥ 本商品到香港Secoo自提立减79.54元 有货 预计3-15个工作日内送达 温馨提示 本商品无质量问题不支持退换货 商品信息 自营 ...
16.16.Where did Mr.and Mrs.Black go yesterday evening?A.The cinema. B.The supermarket. C.The restaurant.17.How old was their son?A.Two months old. B.Eight months old. C.Ten months old.18.Who stopped them when they walked in?A.A policeman. B.An office worker.C.A shop assistant....
型号:17 cm K 18 口径:172.5毫米 身管长:8,529米 重量:运输时23375公斤,作战时17520公斤 射角:0°到+ 50° 射界:转台360°,炮架16° 炮口初速:925米每秒 最大射程:29600米 弹重:高爆弹 68公斤 型号:21 cm Mrs 18...