Zoom推出一款多轨数字录音机MRS-1266,包括10条音频轨,加上独立的打击乐和贝司轨及一条立体声缩混通道,音频轨和缩混轨可以使用10条虚拟轨。鼓和贝司声音来自内置音源,配有许多现成的样板,既灵活方便又节省了硬盘。输入输出部分使用24-bit A/D和D/A转换器,采样率44.1kHz没有压缩。内置20GB硬盘,可以加装CD-R/RW...
However, each of the current crop of 'studio in a box' units has it's own particular feature set, and the Zoom MRS1266 has a few unique tricks up it's sleeve. For me, the most obvious buyer of the Zoom MRS1266 would be the guitarist who is taking their first step into the wonder...