Me: been owned by the evil aunt- one Agatha Trunchbull She moved in immediately and she was very happy, happier than she had ever been in her entire life. Miss Honey:As for Miss Trunchbull...she was never seen again. The Chokeys were immediately destroyed and a new headmistress took ove...
Honey wasJennifer Honey's mother, Dr. Magnus Honey's wife, Miss Trunchbull's stepsister and adoptive grandmother of Matilda Wormwood. She died when Miss Honey was only two years old. It's not revealed in the novel or the film how she died. Did Danny Devito care for Mara Wilson? After ...
What did Miss Trunchbull accuse Matilda of doing in the book Matilda? How did Harriet Beecher Stowe's mother help the abolitionist movement? What did Zora Neale Hurston believe in? What reform did Harriet Beecher Stowe help bring about? What do critics say about Sandra Cisneros? What is Hursto...
What did Miss Trunchbull accuse Matilda of doing in the book Matilda? What does Philip's mother think about black people in The Cay? How does Faulkner treat women in "A Rose for Emily"? What narrative techniques are significant in Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dallo...
In Matilda, how did Miss Honey get away from Miss Trunchbull? Did Albert die in Little House on the Prairie? Was Zora Neale Hurston a transvestite? Did Gertrude Stein live in New York? Does Bianca die in Othello? Was Henrik Ibsen a feminist? Did Dr. Maxwell poison Robert Burns? Did Hen...
In Matilda, how did Miss Honey get away from Miss Trunchbull? In the story Harrison Bergeson, how does the tone of the story change once Harrison appears on the television? What does Miss Honey prepare her class for in Matilda? In A Wrinkle in Time, how does Mrs. Murra...