读到了Carol Ann Duffy的Mrs Beast一诗,这个调调让我想起中文互联网近几年关于爱情和婚姻的一些讨论。这首第一人称的叙事诗隐约有林毛毛那味儿干嘛和王子结婚?君不见小美人鱼成泡沫,白雪公主离开七个小矮人悔不当初,而野兽、牛头人、熊的妻子搓牌欢乐多,有钱有退路,还有更好的🌟生活。最后一句化用奥登的诗绝了...
As a form of text, poetry stands out as a tool to reflect the society of which it is a product. As the first female poet laureate, Carol Ann Duffy encapsulates both fictional and nonfictional women from history and successfully manipulates what has already been nar...