Quantitative analysis of MRP-8in gingival crevicular fluid in periodontal health and disease using microbore HPLC. Lundy FT,Chalk R,Lamey PJ,et al. Journal of Clinical Periodontology . 2001Lundy FT, Chalk R, Lamey PJ, Shaw C, Linden GJ. Quantitative analysis of MRP-8 in gingival cre...
From N-terminal amino acid sequencing, the two 2-D protein spots of 8 kDa and isoelectric points between 6.5 and 7.0 were both identified as protein MRP8 (SI00A8), a member of the S100 family of calcium-binding proteins. Using peptide mass fingerprinting and matrix-assisted laser desorption...
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西藏药业·雪山金罗汉止痛涂膜剂 20ml/瓶/盒 西藏药业·雪山金罗汉止痛涂膜剂 20ml/瓶/盒 药师简介 使用须知 脸磕肿了能用雪山金罗汉止痛涂膜剂 脸磕肿了可以使用雪山金罗汉止痛涂膜剂。雪山金罗汉止痛涂膜剂的功能主治包括活血、消肿、止痛,用于急慢性扭挫伤、风湿性关节炎、类风...
From N-terminal amino acid sequencing, the two 2-D protein spots of 8 kDa and isoelectric points between 6.5 and 7.0 were both identified as protein MRP8 (SI00A8), a member of the S100 family of calcium-binding proteins. Using peptide mass fingerprinting and matrix-assisted laser desorption...
Human gingival crevicular fluid contains MRP8 (S1 0A8) and MRP14 (S100A9), Two Calcium-binding Proteins of the S100 Family. J Dent Res. 2000;79(2):740-7.Kojima, T., Andersen, E., Sanchez, J.C., Wilkins, M.R., Hochstra- sser, D.F., Pralong, W.F., and Cimasoni, G. ...
西藏药业·雪山金罗汉止痛涂膜剂 20ml/瓶/盒 西藏药业·雪山金罗汉止痛涂膜剂 20ml/瓶/盒 药师简介 使用须知 脸磕肿了能用该药 脸磕肿了可以使用雪山金罗汉止痛涂膜剂。雪山金罗汉止痛涂膜剂的功能主治包括活血、消肿、止痛,用于急慢性扭挫伤、风湿性关节炎、类风湿性关节炎等所致的肢体关节疼痛肿胀。用法用量是...