MRP group 界面如下有很多参数可以进行设置灵活运用 本文主要 介绍 Resheduling Horizon &Craetion Indicator 这两个参数,其它参数大家有兴趣可以进行逐个研究这里就不介绍了 前台主数据维护 MRP1 视图 MRP group :把刚才后台配置的Group 组选上就可以 一。先介绍Resheduling Horizon 参数界面如下有 3个参数 (...
2. 除了全工厂参数处可以维护Rescheduling参数外,MRP Group里也可以维护。MRP Group的优先级比全工厂高!!!事务代码OPPR。 然后我去MM03物料主数据MRP视图看了这颗物料的MRP Group为0000 再去后台配置看了MRP Group维护的Resheduling Horizon。 (MRP Group就在下面,我为什么就没有想着看一下下下,当时有一秒的念头...
Overall Planning Creation indicators that are entered in the initial screen at the start of a planning run only serve as a proposal. The system then checks whether the material has been assigned to an MRP group for which creation indicators have been maintained. If the material has been assigne...
MRP group in SAP SAP MRP group is used to separate and identify distinct planning responsibilities. MRP group SAP are used for different planning strategies and consumption modes for example. SAP MRP definition MRP SAP meaning is Material Requirements Planning. The MRP definition in SAP is to calc...
MRP group is responsible for seperate planning for the material. We create MRP group in OPPR with planning strategy, consumption mode, Planning horizon. We assign the MRP group to Material master in MRP1 View MRP groups are used when the plant division for planning is not enough for the div...
MRP process depends the MRP type used in material master and then material behaves according to business needs with other parameters such as strategy group and lot sizing procedure etc... For Example: MRP type PD considering reservation into account where MRP PR can be created as stock reduced ...
SAP物料主数据MRP视图参数手册 SAP物料主数据MRP视图参数⼿册物料主数据MRP视图参数⼿册 V2.0 By LAOYE ⼀、基础数据 (4)1、产品组division (4)2、物料组material group (5)3、产品层次production hierarchy (6)4、跨⼯⼚物料状态cross-plant material status (7)⼆、MRP1 (8)1、MRP组mrp group ...
SAP MRP strategy group 策略组探讨 How Strategy 40 - Planning with Final Assembly Works 40: MTS ; normally , it is for standard parts . Strategy 40 :- 1. Stocks on hand reduces the PIR during MRP run. e.g. if stock is 100 and PIR is 100, MRP run will not prompt 100 for ...
在SAP中我们如何去看MRP报告,怎样深入的理解它。 首先我要进入MRP报告中去,使用Tcode是MD04如下图: 在MD04中只要输入料号和工厂代码两个参数就可以进入MRP报告中来了。首先我们可以看看这个报告的表头是我所看的这个物料对应的物料主数据。 点开这个’expand header details’按纽 ...
Few points on MRP Group : 1.It is not always required to have MRP group ( OPPR) parameters when you have maintained MRP plant parameters . 2.It play important role on selection of Planning Stragy if it is not mentioned in MRP views material master .Refer :