Allowed Logout URLs:http://localhost:8080/ Navigate toUser Management>Rolesand create new roles namedROLE_ADMIN, andROLE_USER. Navigate toUser Management>Usersand create a new user account. Click on theRoletab to assign roles to the newly created user account. ...
17.0-tour-for-admins-only-shsa 17.0-tr_nilvera_security_imp-alal 17.0-track-accounting-groups-wan 17.0-training 17.0-translate-industry-vava-dbo 17.0-translate-tax-tags-wan 17.0-ubl-cii-import-partner-juvr 17.0-ubl-delivery-date-juvr (odoo/odoo#175904) 17.0-ui-stuck-after-crop-denied-shsa...
客户dataguard宕机重启后,MRP进程因缺少数据文件起不来, 报错如下ORA-01111: name for data file 19 is unknown - rename to correct file 问题解决 1> 检查dataguard,sid已经正常启动,尝试启动MRP进程起不来,查看alert日志 (10g) 1 Errors in file /home/oracle/admin/oradb/bdump/zjport_mrp0_17798.trc: ...
1> 检查dataguard,sid已经正常启动,尝试启动MRP进程起不来,查看alert日志 (10g) 1 Errors in file /home/oracle/admin/oradb/bdump/zjport_mrp0_17798.trc: 2 ORA-01111: name for data file 19 is unknown - rename to correct file 3 ORA-01110: data file 19: '/home/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1...
impuserid=system/manager@connect_namefile=d:\nc.dmpfromuser=nca dmintouser=ncadmin2buffer=2048000commit=ylog=d:\impnc.l og 作用:1.将 NC 用户(ncadmin )数据通过exp 命令导出以固有格式存放在 d:\nc.dmp 文件中;再通过 imp 命令将 nc.dmp 文件中的数据导给 ncadmin2 用户,使ncadmin 用户的...
Domain UUID – a string in hexadecimal format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx- xxxxxxxxxxx. Example: The example below sets the redundancy domain: >mrp domain show 1 Domain: Admin Role: Undefined Name: domain1 UUID: ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff Primary Ring Port ID: Undefined Secondary Ring ...
(ERPMRP管理)用友常用 SQL语句 --查询用友版本号 useufsystem go select*fromUA_Version go --- --查看系统用户信息表 useufsystem selectcUser_Idas操作员编码 cUser_Nameas操作员名称 nStateas是否停用 iAdminas是否帐套主管理 cDeptas所属部门 cBelongGrpas所在组 nStateas是否停用 fromUA_User --查看具有...
Errors in file /data/oracle/admin/vodapp/bdump/vodapp_mrp0_21304.trc: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [3689], [33], [], [], [], [], [], [] Errors with log /baceldba/archive/1_30374_730819916.dbf MRP0: Background Media Recovery terminated with error 600 <--mrp进...
Errors in file /data/oracle/admin/vodapp/bdump/vodapp_mrp0_21304.trc: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [3689], [33], [], [], [], [], [], [] Errors with log /baceldba/archive/1_30374_730819916.dbf MRP0: Background Media Recovery terminated with error 600 <--mrp进...
报错如下ORA-01111: name for data file 19 is unknown - rename to correct file 问题解决 1> 检查dataguard,sid已经正常启动,尝试启动MRP进程起不来,查看alert日志 (10g) 1 Errors in file /home/oracle/admin/oradb/bdump/zjport_mrp0_17798.trc: ...