1.导入需要的包 import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl...
(1)创建虚拟环境pymrmr(任意名字) (2)激活虚拟环境(activate pymrmr),安装必要的包 (pip install numpy Cython) (3)在github上的链接:GitHub - fbrundu/pymrmr: Python3 binding to mRMR Feature Selection algorithm (currently not maintained)下载安装包 (4)将安装包的解压文件复制到anaconda安装路径 D:\Anac...
卡方检验类feature_selection.chi2计算每个非负特征和标签之间的卡方统计量,并依照卡方统计量由高到低为特征排名。再结合feature_selection.SelectKBest这个可以输入”评分标准“来选出前K个分数最高的特征的类,我们可以借此除去最可能独立于标签,与我们分类目的无关的特征。 from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestC...
aAfter the mRMR selection, an ordered feature set was got. However, the number of features to be used to construct the best predictor was not known. Here, IFS method was used to determine the optimal number of features. The feature subsets were constructed by adding five descriptors from hig...
ReliefF算法-用于特征提取 feature selection,根据权重进行特征提取,是Relief算法的改进版,适用于多分类。 感悟 目前有关数学公式的地方还是不是很懂,但是经历了SPA算法和KS算法以后,我对看这些类论文有了一定的信心。虽然不能一下子看懂,但是反复的过程中,会让我逐渐明白其中的道理。
文献 《数据挖掘概念与技术》,韩家炜; Minimum Redundancy and Maximum Relevance Feature selection Variable selection using Random Forests Selecting good features – Part III: random forests mRMR (minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance Feature Selection)
Minimum redundancy Maximum relevance algorithms实际上是一系列特征选择算法,其共同目标是选择 * 相互远离...
文件1922000 2015-01-16 05:41 feature-selection-mRMR-master\dataset\mfeat\mfeat-kar 文件182000 2015-01-16 05:41 feature-selection-mRMR-master\dataset\mfeat\mfeat-mor 文件1442000 2015-01-16 05:41 feature-selection-mRMR-master\dataset\mfeat\mfeat-pix 文件1318000 2015-01-16 05:41 feature-selectio...